🦅 Hawk-Tool is a powerful and versatile utility designed to capture a wealth of information about visitors to your specified URLs. This comprehensive tool seamlessly retrieves the user's IP address, device details, geolocation data, and a wealth of other relevant information, all in real-time
I, the creator and all those associated with the development and production of this program are not responsible for any actions and or damages caused by this software. You bear the full responsibility of your actions and acknowledge that this software was created for educational purposes only. This software's intended purpose is NOT to be used maliciously, or on any system that you do not have own or have explicit permission to operate and use this program on. By using this software, you automatically agree to the above.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Telegram and Discord support, Getting of User IP, Country, State/Region, City, ISP, User Agent, Platform
- If u wanna use telegram:
- Telegram BOT (create bot here)
- Telegram Chat ID (get chat id here)
- If u wanna use discord:
- Discord Server and Webhook URL
Edit config.json:
Execute the following commands in the command prompt (cmd):
- npm install express
- npm install axios
- npm install node-telegram-bot-api
- npm install request-ip
- node main.js
- ngrok http 3000
WARNING: In paragraph 6, you can also use any other host, but the host must use port 3000 and must also be HTTP.
Here's an example of an ngrok HTTP URL that you can share with anyone: https://7c01-195-16-79-84.ngrok-free.app
BTC: bc1q5exw2v9sa0yktp2t7xnq8ma2xpn5a29s7w283y
ETH: 0x8d797249170d263B959A3c688D8456adBcfBC319
XMRT: 0xF978FE35d00A201eB48aB3908993e14f312001a2