This package implements a nearest-centroid transcriptomic classifier, that assigns class labels according to the consensus molecular classification of Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (Manuscript submitted). The consensus classification identifies 6 molecular classes : Luminal Papillary (LumP), Luminal Non Specified (LumNS), Luminal Unstable (LumU), Stroma-rich, Basal/Squamous (Ba/Sq), Neuroendocrine-like (NE-like).
Two example data sets are provided to run the classifier.
For now, you can cite the following bioRxiv preprint: bioRxiv 488460; doi:
You may install this package with devtools:
devtools::install_github("cit-bioinfo/consensusMIBC", build_vignettes = TRUE)
To see example results for the consensusMIBC package, use the package vignette:
getConsensusClass(x, minCor = .2, gene_id = c("entrezgene", "ensembl_gene_id", "hgnc_symbol")[1])
Where x
is either a single named vector of gene expression values or a dataframe formatted according to the example data sets provided (unique genes in row, samples in column). Gene names (vector names or dataframe rownames) may be supplied as Entrez IDs, Ensembl gene IDs, or HUGO gene symbols. RNA-seq data needs to be log-transformed, for example using log2(normalized counts + 1).
is a numeric value specifying a confidence minimal threshold for best Pearson's correlation. Classifier predictions relying on a correlation lower than minCor
are set to NA. Default is 0.2
is a character value specifying the type of gene identifiers used for the names/rownames of x : entrezgene
for Entrez IDs, ensembl_gene_id
for Ensembl gene IDs, or hgnc_symbol
for HUGO gene symbols. Default value is entrezgene
# Single sample classification
getConsensusClass(tcga.dat[, 1])
# consensusClass adjusted_pval separationLevel LumP LumNS LumU Stroma-rich Ba/Sq NE-like
#ss LumP 1.698954e-90 0.6626931 0.6176298 0.5735781 0.5641684 0.589056 0.575446 0.1820276
# Classification of a matrix of samples
res <- getConsensusClass(tcga.dat)
# consensusClass cor_pval separationLevel LumP LumNS LumU Stroma-rich Ba/Sq NE-like
#TCGA-2F-A9KO-01A LumP 1.698954e-90 0.6626931 0.6176298 0.5735781 0.5641684 0.5890560 0.5754460 0.1820276
#TCGA-2F-A9KP-01A LumP 8.546007e-142 0.3213549 0.7284300 0.6806556 0.6938315 0.5608757 0.4695459 0.2734213
#TCGA-2F-A9KQ-01A LumP 8.031287e-137 0.5460606 0.7196396 0.6443850 0.6345979 0.5290542 0.4500750 0.2041000
#TCGA-2F-A9KR-01A Ba/Sq 3.288756e-94 0.2368501 0.5980346 0.4938276 0.4900237 0.5126923 0.6274487 0.2116246
#TCGA-2F-A9KT-01A Ba/Sq 3.171797e-108 0.6737278 0.5772637 0.5144653 0.5335134 0.5393338 0.6615954 0.2865093
#TCGA-2F-A9KW-01A LumU 6.990305e-83 0.6139238 0.5136967 0.5527899 0.5963426 0.5371054 0.4725626 0.3087334
## Ba/Sq LumNS LumP LumU NE-like Stroma-rich
## 153 21 128 53 6 45
The classifier returns a dataframe with 9 columns :
returns the consensus calls for each sample. Calls are set to NA for low confidence predictions (maximal correlation is below the given minCor
returns the p-value(s) associated to the Pearson's correlation of the sample(s) with the nearest centroid.
gives a measure of how a sample is representative of its consensus class. It ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 meaning the sample is too close to other consensus classes to be confidently assigned one consensus class label, and 1 meaning the sample is highly representative of its consensus class and well separated from the other consensus classes. The separationLevel is measured as follows : (correlation to nearest centroid - correlation to second nearest centroid) / median difference of sample-to-centroid correlation.
The 6 other columns return the Pearson's correlation between each sample and each consensus class.