Used to emulate some cisco comand pipe outputs, currently:
- exclude
- include
- section
Reads configurations in from named files (additional sources planned) and converts to a ConfigList object
ConfigList objects have a number of functions emulating Cisco behaviour:
- ConfigList.exclude()
- ConfigList.include()
- ConfigList.section()
All above functions return ConfigList objects so functions are able to be chained as show in the examples below.
From the included cisco.config show config lines that begin with interface, but not serial interfaces
from ConfExtractor.ConfExtractor import ConfExtractor
c = ConfExtractor()
print (c.section(r'^iinterface').exclude(r'[Cc]ellular'))
Based on the below bgp congfiguration, return the non static redistributions from vrf cust1
from ConfExtractor.ConfExtractor import ConfExtractor
config = '''
router bgp 65000
bgp log-neighbor-changes
bgp listen range peer-group InternetL3VPN
no bgp default ipv4-unicast
timers bgp 7 21
neighbor InternetL3VPN peer-group
neighbor InternetL3VPN remote-as 65535
neighbor InternetL3VPN ebgp-multihop 255
address-family ipv4
redistribute connected
address-family vpnv4
neighbor InternetL3VPN activate
neighbor InternetL3VPN send-community both
neighbor InternetL3VPN route-map L3VPN_Internet in
address-family ipv4 vrf cust1
redistribute connected
redistribute static
default-information originate
c = ConfExtractor()
print (c.section(r'router bgp').section(r'vrf cust1').include(r'redist').exclude(r'static'))