Docker command wrapper.
command is a complete superset of thedocker
command. It is a wrapper that shims the nativedocker
command with useful aliases and helpers to enhance your docker workflow. This may go without saying, butdocker
is a required dependency fordocker-wrapper
$ go get -u
$ git clone ""
$ cd docker-wrapper && sudo sh
$ docker-wrapper wrapper --help
docker-wrapper – docker command wrapper.
docker-wrapper subcommand [opts...]
b, build Build an image from a Dockerfile.
e, exec Run a command in a running container.
-b, --bash Execute bash in a running container.
-i, --interactive Execute command in interactive container.
-s, --shell Execute sh in a running container.
g, go Navigate to a docker internal storage dicetory (Linux ONLY).
i, images List images.
-d, --dangling List all dangling images.
-v, --verbose List all images (non-truncated output).
ip List IP address(es) for container.
p, ps List containers.
prune Remove unused resources.
-a, --all Remove all unused resources (containers, images, networks, volumes).
c, containers Remove all unused containers.
i, images Remove all unused images.
n, networks Remove all unused networks.
v, volumes Remove all unused volumes.
rm Remove one or more containers.
-a, --all Remove all containers.
-e, --exited Remove all exited containers.
-r, --running Remove all running containers.
rmi Remove one or more images.
-a, --all Remove all base images.
-d, --dangling Remove all dangling images.
-i, --intermediate Remove all images (both base AND intermediate).
r, run Run a command in a new container.
-i, --interactive Run interactive container.
s, stop Stop one or more running containers.
-a, --all Stop all processes/containers.
w, wrapper Docker wrapper specific options.
-h, --help Print usage information.
-v, --version Print version number.
cs, cheatsheet Print docker command reference guide.
cnf, conf, cnfg, config Manage containers.
c, container Manage containers.
im, img, image Manage images.
n, net, network Manage networks.
no, node Manage Swarm node.
se, svc, service Manage services.
st, stack Manage Docker stacks.
sw, swarm Manage Swarm.
v, vol, volume Manage volumes.
ls List volumes.
-d, --dangling List all dangling volumes.
rm Remove one or more volumes.
-d, --dangling Remove all dangling volumes.
docker-wrapper wrapper --help
- Cross-platform compilation for Darwin and Linux
- Add completions