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Hedgehog Integration (WIP)
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kleinreact committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent 4ded7fc commit 3d207a5
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Showing 4 changed files with 236 additions and 158 deletions.
79 changes: 46 additions & 33 deletions clash-testbench/src/Clash/Testbench/Generate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Clash.Testbench.Generate where

import Hedgehog
import Hedgehog.Gen
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (liftIO, when, modify)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ matchIOGen ::
forall dom i o.
(NFDataX i, BitPack i, KnownDomain dom, Eq o, Show o) =>
TBSignal dom o -> Gen (i, o) -> TB (TBSignal dom i)
matchIOGen expectedOutput gen = do
matchIOGen checkedOutput gen = do
TBDomain{..} <- tbDomain @dom

vRef <- liftIO $ newIORef undefined
Expand All @@ -116,24 +117,30 @@ matchIOGen expectedOutput gen = do

if progress
then do
(i, o) <- sample gen
(input, expectedOutput) <- sample gen
curStep <- readIORef simStepRef
signalExpect expectedOutput $ Expectation (curStep, verify o)
writeIORef vRef i

return i
signalExpect checkedOutput $ Expectation (curStep, verifier expectedOutput)
writeIORef vRef input
return input
readIORef vRef
, signalPrint = Nothing
, ..

verify x y = do
when (x /= y)
$ footnote
$ "Expected '" <> show x <> "' but the output is '" <> show y <> "'"
x === x
verifier :: o -> o -> Verifier
verifier expectedOutput observedOutput = Verifier $ \case
Simple -> checkDifferenceWith error undefined
Hedgehog -> checkDifferenceWith footnote (expectedOutput === observedOutput)
checkDifferenceWith :: MonadIO m => (String -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
checkDifferenceWith report abort =
when (expectedOutput /= observedOutput) $ do
$ "Expected to see the output '" <> show expectedOutput <> "',"
<> "but the observed output is '" <> show observedOutput <> "'."

-- | Extended version of 'matchIOGen', which allows to specify valid
-- IO behavior over a finite amount of simulation steps. During native
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,15 +175,15 @@ matchIOGenN checkedOutput gen = mdo
memorize signalHistory h
writeIORef vRef ((i, o) : xr)
curStep <- readIORef simStepRef
signalExpect checkedOutput $ Expectation (curStep, verify s i o)
signalExpect checkedOutput $ Expectation (curStep, verifier s i o)
return i
[(h, _)] -> do
memorize signalHistory h
(i, o) : xr <- sample gen

writeIORef vRef ((i, o) : xr)
curStep <- readIORef simStepRef
signalExpect checkedOutput $ Expectation (curStep, verify s i o)
signalExpect checkedOutput $ Expectation (curStep, verifier s i o)
return i
_ -> error "unreachable"
else \case
Expand All @@ -193,8 +200,14 @@ matchIOGenN checkedOutput gen = mdo
return s

verify generatedInput currentInput expectedOutput observedOutput = do
when (expectedOutput /= observedOutput) $ do
verifier :: TBSignal dom i -> i -> o -> o -> Verifier
verifier generatedInput currentInput expectedOutput observedOutput =
Verifier $ \case
Simple -> checkDifferenceWith error undefined
Hedgehog -> checkDifferenceWith footnote failure
checkDifferenceWith :: MonadIO m => (String -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
checkDifferenceWith report abort = do
xs <-
(<> [(currentInput, observedOutput)])
<$> (zip <$> history generatedInput <*> history checkedOutput)
Expand All @@ -207,21 +220,21 @@ matchIOGenN checkedOutput gen = mdo
iLen = maximum $ (length iHeading :) $ fmap (length . show . fst) xs
oLen = maximum $ (length oHeading :) $ fmap (length . show . snd) xs

footnote $ unlines $
[ "Expected to see the output '" <> show expectedOutput <> "',"
, "but the observed output is '" <> show observedOutput <> "'."
, ""
, "I/O History:"
, ""
, cHeading <>
replicate (iLen - length iHeading + 2) ' ' <> iHeading <>
replicate (oLen - length oHeading + 2) ' ' <> oHeading
, replicate (cLen + iLen + oLen + 4) '-'
] <>
[ replicate (cLen - length (show c)) ' ' <> show c <>
replicate (iLen - length (show i) + 2) ' ' <> show i <>
replicate (oLen - length (show o) + 2) ' ' <> show o
| (c, (i, o)) <- zip [0 :: Int,1..] xs

when (expectedOutput /= observedOutput) $ do
report $ unlines $
[ "Expected to see the output '" <> show expectedOutput <> "',"
, "but the observed output is '" <> show observedOutput <> "'."
, ""
, "I/O History:"
, ""
, cHeading <>
replicate (iLen - length iHeading + 2) ' ' <> iHeading <>
replicate (oLen - length oHeading + 2) ' ' <> oHeading
, replicate (cLen + iLen + oLen + 4) '-'
] <>
[ replicate (cLen - length (show c)) ' ' <> show c <>
replicate (iLen - length (show i) + 2) ' ' <> show i <>
replicate (oLen - length (show o) + 2) ' ' <> show o
| (c, (i, o)) <- zip [0 :: Int,1..] xs
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions clash-testbench/src/Clash/Testbench/Internal/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef)
import Data.List (partition, sort, sortBy, groupBy)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Array as A

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,18 +243,17 @@ instance
, signalName = name
, signalUpdate = Just (writeIORef extVal . Just)
, signalExpect = modifyIORef expectations . (:)
, signalVerify = \mode -> do
, signalVerify = \sMode -> Verifier $ \vMode -> do
curStep <- liftIO $ readIORef simStepRef
value <- liftIO $ signalCurVal mode
value <- liftIO $ signalCurVal sMode
expct <- liftIO $ readIORef expectations

(current, later) =
partition (`leq` Expectation (curStep + 1, undefined)) expct

liftIO $ writeIORef expectations later
mapM_ ((value &) . snd . expectation) current

mapM_ ((`verifier` vMode) . (value &) . snd . expectation) current
, signalPrint = Nothing
, signalPlug = Nothing
, ..
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,7 +448,6 @@ initializeLiftTB name x = liftTB accInit x
progressCheck :: IORef Int -> Bool -> TB (IO Bool)
progressCheck simStepRef initialProgress = do
simStepCache <- liftIO ((offset <$> readIORef simStepRef) >>= newIORef)

return $ do
globalRef <- readIORef simStepRef
localRef <- readIORef simStepCache
Expand All @@ -458,13 +456,12 @@ progressCheck simStepRef initialProgress = do
writeIORef simStepCache globalRef

return $ globalRef > localRef

| initialProgress = (+ (-1))
| otherwise = id

-- | Creates a new 'History' container.
newHistory ::
TB (History a)
newHistory = do
Expand All @@ -474,6 +471,7 @@ newHistory = do
historyBuffer <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
return History{..}

-- | Memorizes a value inside the given 'History' container.
memorize :: MonadIO m => History a -> a -> m ()
memorize History{..} value =
liftIO $ readIORef historySize >>= \case
Expand All @@ -490,6 +488,8 @@ memorize History{..} value =
writeArray buf pos $ Just value
writeIORef historyBufferPos $ pos + 1

-- | Reveals the history of a test bench signal. The returned list is
-- given in temporal order.
history ::
(KnownDomain dom, MonadIO m) =>
TBSignal dom a ->
Expand All @@ -499,11 +499,9 @@ history s = liftIO $ readIORef historyBuffer >>= \case
Just buf -> do
pos <- readIORef historyBufferPos
catMaybes . uncurry (flip (<>)) . splitAt pos <$> getElems buf

History{..} = signalHistory s

-- | Some generalized extender for the accumulated continuation.
extendVia ::
Monad m =>
Expand Down
61 changes: 44 additions & 17 deletions clash-testbench/src/Clash/Testbench/Internal/Signal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ Lifted signal types and internal data structures for
module Clash.Testbench.Internal.Signal where

import Algebra.PartialOrd
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Array.IO (IOArray)
import Data.Function (on)

import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Hedgehog (PropertyT)

import Data.Array.IO (IOArray)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Clash.Prelude
( KnownDomain(..), BitPack(..), SDomainConfiguration(..), NFDataX, Type
, Domain, Signal, Clock, Reset, Enable
Expand All @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Clash.Prelude

import Clash.FFI.VPI.Module (Module)
import Clash.FFI.VPI.Port (Port, Direction)

import Clash.Testbench.Internal.ID

-- | Test bench design stages
Expand All @@ -38,12 +39,12 @@ data Stage :: Type where
-- successfully. Post-processing also introduces the switch from
-- 'USER' to 'FINAL' on the type level.

-- | The supported simulation modes sources.
data SimMode where
Internal :: SimMode
-- ^ Internal pure Haskell based simulation
External :: SimMode
-- ^ Co-Simulation via Clash-FFI
-- | Supported simulation modes sources
data SimMode =
-- ^ Internal pure Haskell based simulation
| External
-- ^ Co-Simulation via Clash-FFI

-- | Type family for handling simulation mode dependent types.
-- 'SimMode' does not have to be fixed during test bench creation, but
Expand All @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ type family SimModeDependent (s :: Stage) a where
SimModeDependent 'USER a = SimMode -> a
SimModeDependent 'FINAL a = a

-- | Clash-FFI Port connector.
-- | Clash-FFI port connector
data PortInterface =
{ port :: Port
Expand All @@ -63,24 +64,25 @@ data PortInterface =
, portDirection :: Direction

-- | Clash-FFI Module connector.
-- | Clash-FFI module connector
data ModuleInterface =
{ module_ :: Module
{ module_ :: Module
, inputPort :: ID () -> PortInterface
-- TODO: multiple port support vie Bundle/Unbundle
, outputPort :: PortInterface

-- | Size bounded signal history
data History a =
{ historySize :: IORef Int
{ historySize :: IORef Int
, historyBufferPos :: IORef Int
, historyBuffer :: IORef (Maybe (IOArray Int (Maybe a)))
, historyBuffer :: IORef (Maybe (IOArray Int (Maybe a)))

-- | Expectations on certain outputs at the given simulation step.
newtype Expectation a = Expectation { expectation :: (Int, a -> PropertyT IO ()) }
-- | Expectations on certain outputs at the given simulation step
newtype Expectation a = Expectation { expectation :: (Int, a -> Verifier) }

-- | Expectations cannot be compared: they are always unequal.
instance Eq (Expectation a) where
Expand All @@ -92,6 +94,31 @@ instance PartialOrd (Expectation a) where
leq (Expectation (x, _)) (Expectation (y, _)) = x <= y
comparable (Expectation (x, _)) (Expectation (y, _)) = x /= y

-- | The verification mode determines the environment in which a
-- verifier is executed.
data VerificationMode m where
Simple :: VerificationMode IO
Hedgehog :: VerificationMode (PropertyT IO)

-- | Existential quantified container for passing different
-- verification environments around.
data Verifier =
{ verifier :: (forall m. MonadIO m => VerificationMode m -> m ())

-- | Runs a verifier in a supported verification environment.
class Verify m where
verify :: Verifier -> m ()

instance Verify IO where
verify = \case
Verifier v -> v Simple

instance Verify (PropertyT IO) where
verify = \case
Verifier v -> v Hedgehog

-- | The lifted 'Clash.Signal.Signal' type to be used in
-- 'Clash.Testbench.Internal.Monad.TB'.
data TBSignal (s :: Stage) (dom :: Domain) a =
Expand All @@ -116,7 +143,7 @@ data TBSignal (s :: Stage) (dom :: Domain) a =
, signalExpect :: Expectation a -> IO ()
-- ^ Registers an expectation on the content of this signal to
-- be verified during simulation
, signalVerify :: SimModeDependent s (PropertyT IO ())
, signalVerify :: SimModeDependent s Verifier
-- ^ The expectation verifier
, signalHistory :: History a
-- ^ Bounded history of signal values
Expand Down

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