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Add more verbose versions of clockTicks
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Can be used to supply simulators such as Verilator with accurate timing
information, which it in turn can use to produce accurate VCDs.
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martijnbastiaan committed Jan 24, 2024
1 parent e79e808 commit 51da18e
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Showing 6 changed files with 621 additions and 1 deletion.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/ci.yml
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Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,11 @@ jobs:
- name: Extract VexRiscv Integration Tests
run: |
tar -x -f vexriscv-test-binaries.tar
- name: Run unittests
- name: Run `clash-vexriscv` unittests
run: |
cabal run clash-vexriscv:unittests
- name: Run `clash-vexriscv-sim` unittests
run: |
cabal run clash-vexriscv-sim:unittests
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions clash-vexriscv/clash-vexriscv.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
Expand All @@ -118,3 +119,24 @@ library
extra-libraries: VexRiscvFFI, stdc++
include-dirs: src/

test-suite unittests
import: common-options
hs-source-dirs: tests/unittests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: main.hs
ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -threaded -rtsopts
hedgehog >= 1.0 && < 1.1,
tasty >= 1.4 && < 1.5,
tasty-hedgehog >= 1.2 && < 1.3,
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions clash-vexriscv/src/VexRiscv/ClockTicks.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Google LLC
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}

-- | Utilities dealing with clock ticks and edges in Clash.
-- TODO: Figure out whether we want to upstream as is, or whether we want to
-- generalize to /N/ clocks first.
module VexRiscv.ClockTicks
( ClockEdgeAB(..)
, clockTicksAbsolute
, clockTicksRelative
, clockEdgesAbsolute
, clockEdgesRelative
) where

import Prelude

import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Ord ()

import Clash.Promoted.Nat (snatToNum)
import Clash.Signal
( ActiveEdge(..), KnownDomain, Clock, SDomainConfiguration(..), knownDomain
, SActiveEdge(..), activeEdge
import Clash.Signal.Internal (Signal((:-)), ClockAB(..), Femtoseconds(..), Clock(..))

-- | Given two clocks, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs. In contrast to 'clockTicks',
-- this version also produces the absolute time at which the tick happened.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
-- Returned time is in /femtoseconds/.
clockTicksAbsolute ::
(KnownDomain domA, KnownDomain domB) =>
Clock domA ->
Clock domB ->
[(Int64, ClockAB)]
clockTicksAbsolute clkA clkB =
clockTicksEitherAbsolute (toEither clkA) (toEither clkB)

-- | Given two clocks, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs. In contrast to 'clockTicks',
-- this version also produces the time since the last tick. Note that the first
-- "time since last tick" is always zero.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
-- Returned time is in /femtoseconds/.
clockTicksRelative ::
(KnownDomain domA, KnownDomain domB) =>
Clock domA ->
Clock domB ->
[(Int64, ClockAB)]
clockTicksRelative clkA clkB =
clockTicksEitherRelative (toEither clkA) (toEither clkB)

-- | Given two clocks, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
-- Returned time is in /femtoseconds/.
clockEdgesAbsolute ::
forall domA domB .
(KnownDomain domA, KnownDomain domB) =>
Clock domA ->
Clock domB ->
[(Int64, ClockEdgeAB)]
clockEdgesAbsolute clkA clkB =
(toActiveEdge (activeEdge @domA)) (toActiveEdge (activeEdge @domB))
(toEither clkA) (toEither clkB)

-- | Given two clocks, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
-- Returned time is in /femtoseconds/.
clockEdgesRelative ::
forall domA domB .
(KnownDomain domA, KnownDomain domB) =>
Clock domA ->
Clock domB ->
[(Int64, ClockEdgeAB)]
clockEdgesRelative clkA clkB =
(toActiveEdge (activeEdge @domA)) (toActiveEdge (activeEdge @domB))
(toEither clkA) (toEither clkB)

-- | GADT version of 'ActiveEdge' to 'ActiveEdge' conversion
toActiveEdge :: SActiveEdge edge -> ActiveEdge
toActiveEdge SRising = Rising
toActiveEdge SFalling = Falling

toEither ::
forall dom.
KnownDomain dom =>
Clock dom ->
Either Int64 (Signal dom Int64)
toEither (Clock _ maybePeriods)
| Just periods <- maybePeriods =
Right (unFemtosecondsSignal periods)
| SDomainConfiguration{sPeriod} <- knownDomain @dom =
-- Convert to femtoseconds - dynamic clocks use them
Left (1000 * snatToNum sPeriod)
-- Coerce whole signal instead of `fmap coerce` to prevent useless constructor
-- packing and unpacking.
unFemtosecondsSignal :: Signal dom Femtoseconds -> Signal dom Int64
unFemtosecondsSignal = coerce

-- | Given two clock periods, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs. In contrast to 'clockTicksEither',
-- this version also produces the absolute time at which the event happened.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
clockTicksEitherAbsolute ::
Either Int64 (Signal domA Int64) ->
Either Int64 (Signal domB Int64) ->
[(Int64, ClockAB)]
clockTicksEitherAbsolute clkA clkB =
case (clkA, clkB) of
(Left tA, Left tB) | tA == tB -> zip (iterate (+tA) 0) (repeat ClockAB)
(Left tA, Left tB) -> goStatic 0 0 tA tB
(Right tA, Right tB) -> goDynamic 0 0 tA tB
(Left tA, Right tB) -> clockTicksEitherAbsolute (Right (pure tA)) (Right tB)
(Right tA, Left tB) -> clockTicksEitherAbsolute (Right tA) (Right (pure tB))
goStatic :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> [(Int64, ClockAB)]
goStatic absTimeA absTimeB tA tB =
case compare absTimeA absTimeB of
LT -> (absTimeA, ClockA) : goStatic (absTimeA + tA) absTimeB tA tB
EQ -> (absTimeA, ClockAB) : goStatic (absTimeA + tA) (absTimeB + tB) tA tB
GT -> (absTimeB, ClockB) : goStatic absTimeA (absTimeB + tB) tA tB

goDynamic :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Signal domA Int64 -> Signal domB Int64 -> [(Int64, ClockAB)]
goDynamic absTimeA absTimeB tsA@(~(tA :- tsA0)) tsB@(~(tB :- tsB0)) =
-- Even though we lazily match on the signal's constructor, this shouldn't
-- build up a significant chain of chunks as 'absTimeX' gets evaluated
-- every iteration.
case compare absTimeA absTimeB of
LT -> (absTimeA, ClockA) : goDynamic (absTimeA + tA) absTimeB tsA0 tsB
EQ -> (absTimeA, ClockAB) : goDynamic (absTimeA + tA) (absTimeB + tB) tsA0 tsB0
GT -> (absTimeB, ClockB) : goDynamic absTimeA (absTimeB + tB) tsA tsB0

-- | Given two clock periods, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs. In contrast to 'clockTicksEither',
-- this version also produces the time since the last event.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
clockTicksEitherRelative ::
Either Int64 (Signal domA Int64) ->
Either Int64 (Signal domB Int64) ->
[(Int64, ClockAB)]
clockTicksEitherRelative clkA clkB = zip relativeTimestamps ticks
relativeTimestamps = 0 : zipWith (-) (tail timestamps) timestamps
(timestamps, ticks) = unzip (clockTicksEitherAbsolute clkA clkB)

-- | Flip edge from rising to falling, and vice versa
oppositeEdge :: ActiveEdge -> ActiveEdge
oppositeEdge Rising = Falling
oppositeEdge Falling = Rising

data ClockEdgeAB
= ClockEdgeA !ActiveEdge
| ClockEdgeB !ActiveEdge
| ClockEdgeAB !ActiveEdge !ActiveEdge
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Given two clock periods, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs. In contrast to 'clockTicksEither',
-- this version also produces the absolute time at which the event happened.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
clockEdgesEitherAbsolute ::
ActiveEdge ->
-- ^ First active edge for clock A
ActiveEdge ->
-- ^ First active edge for clock B
Either Int64 (Signal domA Int64) ->
-- ^ Clock periods for clock A
Either Int64 (Signal domB Int64) ->
-- ^ Clock periods for clock B
[(Int64, ClockEdgeAB)]
clockEdgesEitherAbsolute firstEdgeA firstEdgeB clkA clkB =
case (clkA, clkB) of
(Left tA, Left tB) | tA == tB -> goSame (halve tA)
(Left tA, Left tB) -> goStatic 0 0 firstEdgeA firstEdgeB (halve tA) (halve tB)
(Right tA, Right tB) -> goDynamic 0 0 firstEdgeA firstEdgeB (halves tA) (halves tB)
(Left tA, Right tB) ->
clockEdgesEitherAbsolute firstEdgeA firstEdgeB (Right (pure tA)) (Right tB)
(Right tA, Left tB) ->
clockEdgesEitherAbsolute firstEdgeA firstEdgeB (Right tA) (Right (pure tB))
halves = go . fmap halve
go ((t0, t1) :- ts) = t0 :- t1 :- go ts

halve t =
( t `div` 2
, t - (t `div` 2)

goSame :: (Int64, Int64) -> [(Int64, ClockEdgeAB)]
goSame (t0, t1) =
(snd $ mapAccumL (\acc t -> (acc + t, acc)) 0 (cycle [t0, t1]))
(cycle [ ClockEdgeAB firstEdgeA firstEdgeB
, ClockEdgeAB (oppositeEdge firstEdgeA) (oppositeEdge firstEdgeB)

goStatic ::
Int64 -> Int64 ->
ActiveEdge -> ActiveEdge ->
(Int64, Int64) -> (Int64, Int64) ->
[(Int64, ClockEdgeAB)]
goStatic absTimeA absTimeB !edgeA !edgeB (tA0, tA1) (tB0, tB1) =
case compare absTimeA absTimeB of
-- XXX: Sorry for breaking the 80/90 limit. I have no idea how to break this
-- over multiple lines without sacrificing readability.
LT -> (absTimeA, ClockEdgeA edgeA) : goStatic (absTimeA + tA0) absTimeB (oppositeEdge edgeA) edgeB (tA1, tA0) (tB0, tB1)
EQ -> (absTimeA, ClockEdgeAB edgeA edgeB) : goStatic (absTimeA + tA0) (absTimeB + tB0) (oppositeEdge edgeA) (oppositeEdge edgeB) (tA1, tA0) (tB1, tB0)
GT -> (absTimeB, ClockEdgeB edgeB) : goStatic absTimeA (absTimeB + tB0) edgeA (oppositeEdge edgeB) (tA0, tA1) (tB1, tB0)

goDynamic ::
Int64 -> Int64 ->
ActiveEdge -> ActiveEdge ->
Signal domA Int64 -> Signal domB Int64 ->
[(Int64, ClockEdgeAB)]
goDynamic absTimeA absTimeB edgeA edgeB tsA@(~(tA :- tsA0)) tsB@(~(tB :- tsB0)) =
-- Even though we lazily match on the signal's constructor, this shouldn't
-- build up a significant chain of chunks as 'absTimeX' gets evaluated
-- every iteration.
case compare absTimeA absTimeB of
-- XXX: Sorry for breaking the 80/90 limit. I have no idea how to break this
-- over multiple lines without sacrificing readability.
LT -> (absTimeA, ClockEdgeA edgeA) : goDynamic (absTimeA + tA) absTimeB (oppositeEdge edgeA) edgeB tsA0 tsB
EQ -> (absTimeA, ClockEdgeAB edgeA edgeB) : goDynamic (absTimeA + tA) (absTimeB + tB) (oppositeEdge edgeA) (oppositeEdge edgeB) tsA0 tsB0
GT -> (absTimeB, ClockEdgeB edgeB) : goDynamic absTimeA (absTimeB + tB) edgeA (oppositeEdge edgeB) tsA tsB0

-- | Given two clock periods, produce a list of clock ticks indicating which clock
-- (or both) ticked. Can be used in components handling multiple clocks, such
-- as @unsafeSynchronizer@ or dual clock FIFOs. In contrast to 'clockTicksEither',
-- this version also produces the time since the last event. For the first edge
-- the time since the last event is set to zero.
-- If your primitive does not care about coincided clock edges, it should - by
-- convention - replace it by @ClockB:ClockA:@.
clockEdgesEitherRelative ::
ActiveEdge ->
-- ^ First active edge for clock A
ActiveEdge ->
-- ^ First active edge for clock B
Either Int64 (Signal domA Int64) ->
Either Int64 (Signal domB Int64) ->
[(Int64, ClockEdgeAB)]
clockEdgesEitherRelative firstEdgeA firstEdgeB clkA clkB = zip relativeTimestamps ticks
relativeTimestamps = 0 : zipWith (-) (tail timestamps) timestamps
(timestamps, ticks) = unzip (clockEdgesEitherAbsolute firstEdgeA firstEdgeB clkA clkB)
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions clash-vexriscv/tests/unittests/Tests/Extra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Google LLC
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

module Tests.Extra where

import Prelude

import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Language.Haskell.TH (mkName)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib

-- | Generate a do-expression where each statement is a call to @test@ and the
-- arguments are determined by the carthesian product of given argument names.
-- For example:
-- > carthesianProductTests ["x", "y"]
-- > ======>
-- > do
-- > test x x
-- > test x y
-- > test y x
-- > test y y
carthesianProductTests :: [String] -> ExpQ
carthesianProductTests names = doE $
cartProd names <&> \(aName, bName) -> noBindS $
aExp = varE (mkName aName)
bExp = varE (mkName bName)
[| test $aExp $bExp |]
cartProd xs = [(a, b) | a <- xs, b <- xs]

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