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Handle inputs and outputs in correct order
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Eleminates the need for prepending singals with dummy elements
  • Loading branch information
martijnbastiaan committed Mar 5, 2024
1 parent d242852 commit f797bbf
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Showing 6 changed files with 303 additions and 212 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions clash-vexriscv-sim/clash-vexriscv-sim.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ test-suite unittests
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-- TODO: enable parallel tests:
-- ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
ghc-options: -threaded
main-is: tests.hs
Expand Down
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions clash-vexriscv-sim/src/Utils/Cpu.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,17 +18,6 @@ import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Utils.ProgramLoad (Memory)
import Utils.Interconnect (interconnectTwo)

emptyInput :: Input
emptyInput =
{ timerInterrupt = low,
externalInterrupt = low,
softwareInterrupt = low,
iBusWbS2M = (emptyWishboneS2M @(BitVector 32)) {readData = 0},
dBusWbS2M = (emptyWishboneS2M @(BitVector 32)) {readData = 0}

Address space
Expand Down
229 changes: 137 additions & 92 deletions clash-vexriscv/src/VexRiscv.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Google LLC
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Google LLC
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Expand All @@ -16,17 +16,23 @@ import Clash.Prelude

import Clash.Annotations.Primitive
import Clash.Signal.Internal
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.String.Interpolate (__i)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Foreign (Ptr)
import Foreign.Marshal (alloca)
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Protocols.Wishbone

import VexRiscv.ClockTicks
import VexRiscv.FFI
import VexRiscv.TH
import VexRiscv.VecToTuple

import qualified VexRiscv.FFI as FFI

data Input = Input
{ timerInterrupt :: "TIMER_INTERRUPT" ::: Bit
Expand All @@ -43,48 +49,6 @@ data Output = Output
deriving (Generic, NFDataX, ShowX, Eq, BitPack)

inputToFFI :: Bool -> Input -> INPUT
inputToFFI reset Input {..} =
{ reset = boolToBit reset
, timerInterrupt
, externalInterrupt
, softwareInterrupt
, iBusWishbone_ACK = boolToBit $ acknowledge iBusWbS2M
, iBusWishbone_DAT_MISO = unpack $ readData iBusWbS2M
, iBusWishbone_ERR = boolToBit $ err iBusWbS2M
, dBusWishbone_ACK = boolToBit $ acknowledge dBusWbS2M
, dBusWishbone_DAT_MISO = unpack $ readData dBusWbS2M
, dBusWishbone_ERR = boolToBit $ err dBusWbS2M

outputFromFFI :: OUTPUT -> Output
outputFromFFI OUTPUT {..} =
{ iBusWbM2S =
(emptyWishboneM2S @30 @(BitVector 32))
{ busCycle = bitToBool iBusWishbone_CYC,
strobe = bitToBool iBusWishbone_STB,
writeEnable = bitToBool iBusWishbone_WE,
addr = truncateB $ pack iBusWishbone_ADR,
writeData = pack iBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI,
busSelect = resize $ pack iBusWishbone_SEL,
cycleTypeIdentifier = unpack $ resize $ pack iBusWishbone_CTI,
burstTypeExtension = unpack $ resize $ pack iBusWishbone_BTE
dBusWbM2S =
(emptyWishboneM2S @30 @(BitVector 32))
{ busCycle = bitToBool dBusWishbone_CYC,
strobe = bitToBool dBusWishbone_STB,
writeEnable = bitToBool dBusWishbone_WE,
addr = truncateB $ pack dBusWishbone_ADR,
writeData = pack dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI,
busSelect = resize $ pack dBusWishbone_SEL,
cycleTypeIdentifier = unpack $ resize $ pack dBusWishbone_CTI,
burstTypeExtension = unpack $ resize $ pack dBusWishbone_BTE

-- When passing S2M values from Haskell to VexRiscv over the FFI, undefined
-- bits/values cause errors when forcing their evaluation to something that can
-- be passed through the FFI.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,9 +91,7 @@ vexRiscv input =

(unbundle -> (timerInterrupt, externalInterrupt, softwareInterrupt, iBusS2M, dBusS2M))
-- A hack that enables us to both generate synthesizable HDL and simulate vexRisc in Haskell/Clash
= (<$> if clashSimulation then unpack 0 :- input else input)
$ \(Input a b c d e) -> (a, b, c, d, e)
= (\(Input a b c d e) -> (a, b, c, d, e)) <$> input

(unbundle -> (iBus_DAT_MISO, iBus_ACK, iBus_ERR))
= (\(WishboneS2M a b c _ _) -> (a, b, c))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,7 +184,7 @@ vexRiscv#
, Signal dom (BitVector 3) -- ^ dBus_CTI
, Signal dom (BitVector 2) -- ^ dBus_BTE
vexRiscv# !_sourcePath !_clk rst0
vexRiscv# !_sourcePath clk rst0
Expand All @@ -236,48 +198,98 @@ vexRiscv# !_sourcePath !_clk rst0

iBusS2M = WishboneS2M <$> iBus_DAT_MISO <*> iBus_ACK <*> iBus_ERR <*> pure False <*> pure False
dBusS2M = WishboneS2M <$> dBus_DAT_MISO <*> dBus_ACK <*> dBus_ERR <*> pure False <*> pure False

input = Input <$> timerInterrupt <*> externalInterrupt <*> softwareInterrupt <*> iBusS2M <*> dBusS2M

output = unsafePerformIO $ do
(step, _) <- vexCPU
pure $ go step (unsafeFromReset rst0) input

(unbundle -> (iBusM2S, dBusM2S)) = (<$> output) $ \(Output iBus dBus) -> (iBus, dBus)

(unbundle -> (iBus_ADR, iBus_DAT_MOSI, iBus_SEL, iBus_CYC, iBus_STB, iBus_WE, iBus_CTI, iBus_BTE)) =
(<$> iBusM2S) $ \(WishboneM2S a b c _ e f g h i) -> (a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i)

(unbundle -> (dBus_ADR, dBus_DAT_MOSI, dBus_SEL, dBus_CYC, dBus_STB, dBus_WE, dBus_CTI, dBus_BTE)) =
(<$> dBusM2S) $ \(WishboneM2S a b c _ e f g h i) -> (a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i)
(v, initStage1, initStage2, stepRising, stepFalling, _shutDown) = unsafePerformIO vexCPU

nonCombInput = NON_COMB_INPUT
<$> (boolToBit <$> unsafeToActiveHigh rst0)
<*> timerInterrupt
<*> externalInterrupt
<*> softwareInterrupt

combInput = COMB_INPUT
<$> (boolToBit <$> iBus_ACK)
<*> (unpack <$> iBus_DAT_MISO)
<*> (boolToBit <$> iBus_ERR)
<*> (boolToBit <$> dBus_ACK)
<*> (unpack <$> dBus_DAT_MISO)
<*> (boolToBit <$> dBus_ERR)

wordCast = fromInteger . toInteger

simInitThenCycles ::
Signal dom NON_COMB_INPUT ->
Signal dom COMB_INPUT ->
Signal dom OUTPUT
simInitThenCycles (cnc :- cncs) ~(cc :- ccs) =
-- Note: we don't need @ticks@ for the initialization stages, because this
-- first cycle of a 'Signal' is meant to model what happens _before_ a
-- clock edge.
out0 = unsafePerformIO (initStage1 v cnc)
stage2Out = unsafePerformIO (initStage2 v cc)
ticks = first wordCast <$> singleClockEdgesRelative clk
out1 = simCycles ticks cncs ccs
out0 :- (out0 `seq` (stage2Out `seq` out1))

simCycles ::
[(Word64, ActiveEdge)] ->
Signal dom NON_COMB_INPUT ->
Signal dom COMB_INPUT ->
Signal dom OUTPUT
simCycles ((fsSinceLastEvent, Rising) : ts) (cnc :- cncs) ccs =
out0 = unsafePerformIO (stepRising v fsSinceLastEvent cnc)
out1 = simCycles ts cncs ccs
out0 :- (out0 `seq` out1)

simCycles ((fsSinceLastEvent, Falling) : ts) cncs (cc :- ccs) =
let !() = unsafePerformIO (stepFalling v fsSinceLastEvent cc)
in simCycles ts cncs ccs

simCycles [] _ _ = error "Empty ticks: should never happen"

output = simInitThenCycles nonCombInput combInput

iBus_CYC = FFI.iBusWishbone_CYC <$> output
iBus_STB = FFI.iBusWishbone_STB <$> output
iBus_WE = FFI.iBusWishbone_WE <$> output
iBus_ADR = FFI.iBusWishbone_ADR <$> output
iBus_DAT_MOSI = FFI.iBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI <$> output
iBus_SEL = FFI.iBusWishbone_SEL <$> output
iBus_CTI = FFI.iBusWishbone_CTI <$> output
iBus_BTE = FFI.iBusWishbone_BTE <$> output

dBus_CYC = FFI.dBusWishbone_CYC <$> output
dBus_STB = FFI.dBusWishbone_STB <$> output
dBus_WE = FFI.dBusWishbone_WE <$> output
dBus_ADR = FFI.dBusWishbone_ADR <$> output
dBus_DAT_MOSI = FFI.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI <$> output
dBus_SEL = FFI.dBusWishbone_SEL <$> output
dBus_CTI = FFI.dBusWishbone_CTI <$> output
dBus_BTE = FFI.dBusWishbone_BTE <$> output
( -- iBus
, iBus_STB
, iBus_WE
, iBus_ADR
, iBus_SEL
, pack <$> iBus_CTI
, pack <$> iBus_BTE
bitToBool <$> iBus_CYC
, bitToBool <$> iBus_STB
, bitToBool <$> iBus_WE
, truncateB . pack <$> iBus_ADR
, pack <$> iBus_DAT_MOSI
, truncateB . pack <$> iBus_SEL
, truncateB . pack <$> iBus_CTI
, truncateB . pack <$> iBus_BTE

-- dBus
, dBus_CYC
, dBus_STB
, dBus_WE
, dBus_ADR
, dBus_SEL
, pack <$> dBus_CTI
, pack <$> dBus_BTE
, bitToBool <$> dBus_CYC
, bitToBool <$> dBus_STB
, bitToBool <$> dBus_WE
, truncateB . pack <$> dBus_ADR
, pack <$> dBus_DAT_MOSI
, truncateB . pack <$> dBus_SEL
, truncateB . pack <$> dBus_CTI
, truncateB . pack <$> dBus_BTE
{-# NOINLINE go #-}
go step (rst :- rsts) (input :- inputs) = unsafePerformIO $ do
out <- step rst input
pure $ out :- go step rsts inputs
{-# NOINLINE vexRiscv# #-}
{-# ANN vexRiscv# (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,16 +413,49 @@ vexRiscv# !_sourcePath !_clk rst0
|] ) #-}

-- | Return a function that performs an execution step and a function to free
-- the internal CPU state
vexCPU :: IO (Bool -> Input -> IO Output, IO ())
vexCPU :: IO
( Ptr VexRiscv
, Ptr VexRiscv -> NON_COMB_INPUT -> IO OUTPUT -- initStage1
, Ptr VexRiscv -> COMB_INPUT -> IO () -- initStage2
, Ptr VexRiscv -> Word64 -> NON_COMB_INPUT -> IO OUTPUT -- rising
, Ptr VexRiscv -> Word64 -> COMB_INPUT -> IO () -- falling
, Ptr VexRiscv -> IO ()
vexCPU = do
v <- vexrInit

step reset input = alloca $ \inputFFI -> alloca $ \outputFFI -> do
poke inputFFI (inputToFFI reset input)
vexrStep v inputFFI outputFFI
outVal <- peek outputFFI
pure $ outputFromFFI outVal
shutDown = vexrShutdown v
pure (step, shutDown)
{-# NOINLINE initStage1 #-}
initStage1 vPtr nonCombInput =
alloca $ \nonCombInputFFI -> alloca $ \outputFFI -> do
poke nonCombInputFFI nonCombInput
vexrInitStage1 vPtr nonCombInputFFI outputFFI
output <- peek outputFFI
pure output

{-# NOINLINE initStage2 #-}
initStage2 vPtr combInput =
alloca $ \combInputFFI -> do
poke combInputFFI combInput
vexrInitStage2 vPtr combInputFFI

{-# NOINLINE stepRising #-}
stepRising vPtr fsSinceLastEvent nonCombInput =
alloca $ \nonCombInputFFI -> alloca $ \outputFFI -> do
poke nonCombInputFFI nonCombInput
vexrStepRisingEdge vPtr fsSinceLastEvent nonCombInputFFI outputFFI
output <- peek outputFFI
pure output

{-# NOINLINE stepFalling #-}
stepFalling vPtr fsSinceLastEvent combInput =
alloca $ \combInputFFI -> do
poke combInputFFI combInput
vexrStepFallingEdge vPtr fsSinceLastEvent combInputFFI

shutDown = vexrShutdown

pure (v, initStage1, initStage2, stepRising, stepFalling, shutDown)

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