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christiaanb committed Sep 9, 2024
1 parent 0b37578 commit 8d6c1d8
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,269 additions and 1,011 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/haskell-ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,3 +204,14 @@ jobs:
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.compiler }}-${{ github.sha }}
path: ~/.cabal/store
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Note that you must checkout your code before running haskell-actions/run-fourmolu
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: haskell-actions/run-fourmolu@v10
version: ""
pattern: |
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail

# Help message
show_help() {
local script_name
script_name=$(basename "$0")
echo "Fourmolu formatting Script.
$script_name diff Format the current git diff.
$script_name full Format all source files.
$script_name check Check the formatting of the source files.
$script_name (-h | --help)
-h --help Show this screen."

# Main script logic
if [[ "$#" -eq 0 || "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
exit 0



# Make sure it doesn't matter from where this script is executed
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd $DIR

if [ $1 == "diff" ] ; then
src_files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR -- '*.hs')
src_files=$(find src tests -type f -name "*.hs")

src_files_str=$(printf "%s\n" "${src_files[@]}" | sed 's| |\\ |g')
exclude_files_str=$(printf "%s\n" "${exclude_files[@]}" | sed 's| |\\ |g')
src_files=$(echo "$src_files_str" | grep -vwE "$exclude_files_str")

if [ -z "$src_files" ]; then
exit 0;

if [[ "$1" == "diff" || "$1" == "full" ]] ; then
fourmolu --mode inplace $src_files
elif [[ "$1" == "check" ]] ; then
fourmolu --mode check $src_files
echo "Expected a single argument, \"full\", \"diff\", \"check\" or \"--help\"" >&2
exit 3
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions fourmolu.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
indentation: 2
column-limit: 90
230 changes: 127 additions & 103 deletions src/SoPSat/Internal/NewtonsMethod.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,133 +1,157 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module SoPSat.Internal.NewtonsMethod

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

import SoPSat.Internal.SoP (
Atom (..),
Product (..),
SoP (..),
Symbol (..),
import SoPSat.SoP (atoms)
import SoPSat.Internal.SoP
(Atom(..), Symbol(..), Product(..), SoP(..))

-- | Evaluates SoP given atom bindings
evalSoP :: (Ord f, Ord c, Floating n)
=> SoP f c
-- ^ Expression to evaluate
-> Map (Atom f c) n
-- ^ Bindings from atoms to values
-> n
-- ^ Evaluation result
evalSoP ::
(Ord f, Ord c, Floating n) =>
-- | Expression to evaluate
SoP f c ->
-- | Bindings from atoms to values
Map (Atom f c) n ->
-- | Evaluation result
evalSoP (S []) _ = 0
evalSoP (S ps) binds = sum $ map (`evalProduct` binds) ps

{- | Evaluates product given atom bindings
-- | Evaluates product given atom bindings
-- Used by @evalSoP@
evalProduct :: (Ord f, Ord c, Floating n)
=> Product f c
-- ^ Product to evalute
-> Map (Atom f c) n
-- ^ Atom bindings
-> n
-- ^ Evaluation results
Used by @evalSoP@
evalProduct ::
(Ord f, Ord c, Floating n) =>
-- | Product to evalute
Product f c ->
-- | Atom bindings
Map (Atom f c) n ->
-- | Evaluation results
evalProduct (P ss) binds = product $ map (`evalSymbol` binds) ss

-- | Evaluates symbol given atom bindings
-- Used by @evalProduct@
evalSymbol :: (Ord f, Ord c, Floating n)
=> Symbol f c
-- ^ Symbol to evaluate
-> Map (Atom f c) n
-- ^ Atom bindings
-> n
-- ^ Evaluation result
evalSymbol (I i) _ = fromInteger i
{- | Evaluates symbol given atom bindings
Used by @evalProduct@
evalSymbol ::
(Ord f, Ord c, Floating n) =>
-- | Symbol to evaluate
Symbol f c ->
-- | Atom bindings
Map (Atom f c) n ->
-- | Evaluation result
evalSymbol (I i) _ = fromInteger i
evalSymbol (A a) binds = f $ M.lookup a binds
where f (Just n) = n
f Nothing = 0
f (Just n) = n
f Nothing = 0
evalSymbol (E b p) binds = exp (evalProduct p binds * log (evalSoP b binds))

-- | Analitically computes derivative of an expression
-- with respect to an atom
-- Returns function similar to @evalSoP@
derivative :: (Ord f, Ord c, Floating n)
=> SoP f c
-- ^ Expression to take a derivative of
-> Atom f c
-- ^ Atom to take a derivetive with respect to
-> (Map (Atom f c) n -> n)
-- ^ Function from bindings, representing point,
-- to value of the derivative at that point
{- | Analitically computes derivative of an expression
with respect to an atom
Returns function similar to @evalSoP@
derivative ::
(Ord f, Ord c, Floating n) =>
-- | Expression to take a derivative of
SoP f c ->
-- | Atom to take a derivetive with respect to
Atom f c ->
-- | Function from bindings, representing point,
-- to value of the derivative at that point
(Map (Atom f c) n -> n)
derivative sop symb = \binds -> sum $ d <*> [binds]
where d = map (`derivativeProduct` symb) $ unS sop

-- | Analitically computes derivative of a product
-- with respect to an atom
-- Used by @derivative@
derivativeProduct :: (Ord f, Ord c, Floating n)
=> Product f c
-- ^ Product to take a derivative of
-> Atom f c
-- ^ Atom to take a derivative with respect to
-> (Map (Atom f c) n -> n)
-- ^ Function from bindings to a value
derivativeProduct (P []) _ = const 0
derivativeProduct (P (s:ss)) symb = \binds -> derivativeSymbol s symb binds * evalProduct ps binds + evalSymbol s binds * derivativeProduct ps symb binds
where ps = P ss

-- | Analitically computes derivative of a symbol
-- with respect to an atom
-- Used by @derivativeProduct@
derivativeSymbol :: (Ord f, Ord c, Floating n)
=> Symbol f c
-- ^ Symbol to take a derivate of
-> Atom f c
-- ^ Atom to take a derivate with respect to
-> (Map (Atom f c) n -> n)
-- ^ Function from bindings to a value
d = map (`derivativeProduct` symb) $ unS sop

{- | Analitically computes derivative of a product
with respect to an atom
Used by @derivative@
derivativeProduct ::
(Ord f, Ord c, Floating n) =>
-- | Product to take a derivative of
Product f c ->
-- | Atom to take a derivative with respect to
Atom f c ->
-- | Function from bindings to a value
(Map (Atom f c) n -> n)
derivativeProduct (P []) _ = const 0
derivativeProduct (P (s : ss)) symb = \binds ->
derivativeSymbol s symb binds * evalProduct ps binds
+ evalSymbol s binds * derivativeProduct ps symb binds
ps = P ss

{- | Analitically computes derivative of a symbol
with respect to an atom
Used by @derivativeProduct@
derivativeSymbol ::
(Ord f, Ord c, Floating n) =>
-- | Symbol to take a derivate of
Symbol f c ->
-- | Atom to take a derivate with respect to
Atom f c ->
-- | Function from bindings to a value
(Map (Atom f c) n -> n)
derivativeSymbol (I _) _ = const 0
derivativeSymbol (A a) atom
| a == atom = const 1
| otherwise = const 0
derivativeSymbol e@(E b p) atom = \binds ->
expExpr binds *
(derivative b atom binds * evalProduct p binds
/ evalSoP b binds
+ logExpr binds
* derivativeProduct p atom binds)
where expExpr = evalSymbol e
logExpr = log. evalSoP b
expExpr binds
* ( derivative b atom binds
* evalProduct p binds
/ evalSoP b binds
+ logExpr binds
* derivativeProduct p atom binds
expExpr = evalSymbol e
logExpr = log . evalSoP b

-- | Finds if an expression can be equal to zero
newtonMethod :: forall f c n
. (Ord f, Ord c, Ord n, Floating n)
=> SoP f c
-- ^ Expression to check
-> Either (Map (Atom f c) n) (Map (Atom f c) n)
-- ^ @Right binds@ - Atom bindings when expression is equal to zero
-- @Left binds@ - Last checked bindings
newtonMethod ::
forall f c n.
(Ord f, Ord c, Ord n, Floating n) =>
-- | Expression to check
SoP f c ->
-- | @Right binds@ - Atom bindings when expression is equal to zero
-- @Left binds@ - Last checked bindings
Either (Map (Atom f c) n) (Map (Atom f c) n)
newtonMethod sop = go init_guess steps
consts = atoms sop
derivs = M.fromSet (derivative sop) consts
init_guess = M.fromSet (const 10) consts
steps = 40

go :: Map (Atom f c) n -> Word -> Either (Map (Atom f c) n) (Map (Atom f c) n)
go guess 0 = Left guess
go guess n
| val <= 0.1 = Right guess
| otherwise =
consts = atoms sop
derivs = M.fromSet (derivative sop) consts
init_guess = M.fromSet (const 10) consts
steps = 40

go :: Map (Atom f c) n -> Word -> Either (Map (Atom f c) n) (Map (Atom f c) n)
go guess 0 = Left guess
go guess n
| val <= 0.1 = Right guess
| otherwise =
new_guess = foldl (\binds (c,x) -> M.insert c (x - val / dsdc c) binds) guess $ M.toList guess
in go new_guess (n - 1)
val = evalSoP sop guess
dsdc c = fromJust (M.lookup c derivs) guess
new_guess = foldl (\binds (c, x) -> M.insert c (x - val / dsdc c) binds) guess $ M.toList guess
go new_guess (n - 1)
val = evalSoP sop guess
dsdc c = fromJust (M.lookup c derivs) guess

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