HookDNS is a library which allow you to modify a name resolution in your Python script without any modification in your hosts file or by using a fake DNS resolver.
import requests
from hookdns import hosts
with hosts({"example.org": ""}):
r = requests.get("http://example.org") # the request is sent to your local server
pip install hookdns
Custom DNS resolutions are describe by a dictionnary where the keys are hostnames and the values the expected corresponding addresses.
"hostname1": "addr1",
"hostname2": "addr2"
hostname and addr could be a domain name or a string representation of an IPv4/IPV6.
import requests
from hookdns import hosts
@hosts({"example.org": ""})
def myfunc():
r = requests.get("http://example.org") # the request is sent to your local server
import requests
from hookdns import hosts
with hosts({"example.org": "localhost"}):
r = requests.get("http://example.org") # the request is sent to your local server