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I am not experienced with brewing so, be indulgent with what you could found in the following explanations.

Why ?

While trying to make my own brewing system, I did not find any easy to use and well explained system for small brewing setup. OpenArdBir code is not well architectured and does not support a full featured screen or an SD card. I wanted a configurable system to match user needs.


Brew-O-Matic aims to be an easy to use brewing system for really (really (really)) small all-in-one brewing setup. It contains the following features:

  • Temperature probes:
  • PT100 via MAX31865
  • DS18B20
  • Input
  • Rotary Encoder
  • LCD support
  • LCD2004 (Discount Controller)
  • ILI9341 (via uCglig, incomplete support)
  • Pump control via MOSFET
  • Heating element support
  • 50/60Hz main automatic detection
  • PID controlled heating
  • Beeper
  • Internationalization

Some feature can be opt out such as beeper and sd card. Others can be choosen according to your hardware


BrewOMatic is designed to easily add a temperature sensor, input, display, etc.

Adding a language

Languages support can easily be added. You simply have to add a Lang.h file to the lang directory. To do that, simply recopy the LangEnglish.h file and translate the existing strings. Be careful not to reorder entries ! (tech hint: gcc-avr does not support designated initializer)



In order to configure BrewOMatic to suit your configuration, you can modify Config.h All options are clearly documented. The default configuration suit the custom brewing controller.

Needed libraries

Depending on your configuration, you will need the following libraries:

  • SD
  • PIDv1
  • LiquidCrystal
  • TimerOne
  • uCGlib
  • Rotary Encoder
  • TempDS18B20


Using and arduino ide, load the BrewOMatic.ino file into the IDE. Compile it and upload it to the arduino.


It is advised to use a SD card to store recipe easily


### Manual mode

When in manual, mode, user can control pump, temperature

### Recipe execution

In order to execute a recipe, go Browse SD card.

Recipe format

Recipes are stored in .br (Brew Recipe) files on SD card. The format is basically a csv files with specific values:

Lines format is the following: step;duration;temperature;pump_enable;pump_duty_cycle

Step is mainly an indicator to display the correct step name on LCD. Step can be one of the following value:

  • H: Heating step
  • M: Mashing step
  • B: Boiling step
  • C: Cooling

Duration is then the step duration described in minutes. Temperature is the target temperature for this phase in Celsius. And finally pump_enable is a boolean describing if pump should be enabled for the step. pump_duty_cycle is the duty cycle (0% - 100%) for the pump (done using PWM).

For instance, the following line tell the system that we are in a heating step for 10 minutes and that the expected temperature is 70 degrees celsius:


Additionnaly to these main steps, some actions can be added using the following syntax: A;action_type;time

Action type can be on of the following value:

  • I: Insert malt
  • R: Remove malt
  • C: Setup Cooler
  • H: Insert Hop
  • V: Verify everything !

If time is is equal -1, then, the action will be executed before the step. The action must also be put before the step line in the recipe.

Check the recipe folder for some samples recipes !


A kicad pcb is available which contains support for 20A load control, pump and LCD 2004 support (such as for 3D printer). The main components needed to control the brewing system are the following

  • Arduino
  • TRIAC for heater
  • MOSFET for pump

The PCB is provided as an example configuration and I am not responsible of any damages you could have.


Single vessel brewing system







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