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ClinGen Curation Tracker

This project attempts to track curations being conducted by curators working for a Gene Clinicians Expert Panel (GCEP).



You must have the following to stand up the application locally

  • Docker
  • (if on a mac, you'll also need docker-deskop or colima-- for instance as in

Setup DOCKER_USER variable (probably only once ever)

To handle docker permissions issues in bind mounts, this project uses the convention of running containers using the DOCKER_USER (formatted like $UID:$GID) as the user for the container. You could set this in the .env file (described later on), or to avoid having to do this in other projects that use the same convention, you can add a line like export DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g) or export DOCKER_USER=${UID}:${GID} to your .zshrc, .bashrc or equivalant in your home directory.

Unfortuntely, you cannot just define DOCKER_USER as ${UID}:${GID} in the docker-compose.yml or in the .env because ${UID} and ${GID} are not actually variables (at least not in some shells), you need to put in the actual numerical values. For instance, most mac users who only use one account on their systems could put DOCKER_USER=501:20 in their .env file.

Setup other configurable options (probably don't need to re-do often)

This project uses the convention that Laravel uses with most configurable options definable in a .env file in the project root. There is an .env.example file to guide this...

cp .env.example .env

Then edit as needed... maybe you'll want to change the things that are defined as changeme...

Seeding the database

Not necessarily "one-time setup", but probably not something that needs doing frequently. This needs to be done at least once before anything will work, though.

Right now, seeding via Laravel has accumulated some technical debt, so the easiest way to do this is from an existing database dump.

The database uses a standard mysql docker image, which runs sql or sql.gz files places in a certain directory, but only if the container volume hasn't been initialized before. So if you have an existing docker volume, you may need to remove it.

docker volume rm clingen-gene-tracker_db

Your database dump file (as sql or compressed as sql.gz) needs to go in the subdirectory .docker/mysql/db-init/ under the project root. *.sql.gz files in this directory are .gitignore-ed to help avoid unintential committing of database dump files.

Then just start the database container with:

docker compose up -d db

This will take a minute or so-- if you watch things with docker compose logs -f, you'll see a local-only server started for initialization, then it should restart listening on the docker network.

Populate vendor/ directory with dependencies

If you have php and composer on your host system, you could just run composer app install, but in the name of reproducibility, it is probably better to run this using the php and composer versions in the container.

Note: You may not need to do this initially-- the entrypoint script should take care of running this if the vendor directory hasn't been populated. But you would need to do this whenever dependencies get updated. This is the set of commands to run if you get errors about missing dependencies in the PHP code.

docker compose run --no-deps --rm -it --entrypoint composer app install --no-interaction --no-plugins --no-scripts --prefer-dist --no-dev --no-suggest
docker compose run --no-deps --rm -it --entrypoint composer app dump-autoload

Creating a user

If you don't have a user in the database dump you are using to seed a local instance, you can create one with the following artisan command:

docker compose run --no-deps --rm -it --entrypoint php app artisan user:create --email [email protected] --first_name Test --last_name Administrator -s

Of course you can change the email and names as you see fit. The email will end up being the login identifier. You'll be prompted for a password and password confirmation.


Once everything above is setup, you should be able to just run the following:

docker compose up -d

After some initialization (which you can watch using docker compose logs -f), the app should start responding to requests at the port given by APP_PORT in the .env file. By default, this will be reachable at http://localhost:8012.

Accessing container services

The docker-compose.yml only exposes the nginx container to the host. The primary reason for this is to prevent various containers in different project (e.g., mysql or redis containers) from stepping on each others' toes by trying to open the same port. Your options for getting to those services are:

  • running docker compose exec -it db, then using the command line utilities there to access data
  • running a one-off container with docker compose run and a socat container to be on that network and forward from this container to the one you're trying to access. This temporary port forwarding is left as an exercise to the reader.

Frontend (this section needs to be re-worked since the frontend is run by default in the container)

To work on the front end client you will need:

  • node
  • npm

To build and watch client-side assets for development:

npm install
npm run serve

Not that this does not enable hot module replacement. You must shift+reload to see updates in the browser.

Client builds should be committed to the repository. To build client-side assets for deployment:

npm run build


  • Gene - A gene. Usually represented by a HGNC gene symbol.
  • Phenotype - The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.
  • Disease Entity - A disease of clinical interest. May be composed of many phenotypes.
  • Curation Curation - A gene & disease entity pair.
  • ExpertPanel - AKA GCEP. A group of experts consulting on the curation of a curation curation.
  • WorkingGroup - A group working on genetic disorders. Has many ExpertPanels.

Backend Architecture

The backend of this application is mostly idiomatic Laravel. Requests are routed to controllers which either do the work themselves or delegate to jobs (often run synchronously).

Model Revisions

Revision of models is tracked using the venturecraft/revisionable package. This package stores a record in the revisions table for every create, update, and delete operation on a model. records in the revisions table can be used to try to figure what happened when and who did it.

Admin dashboard

The admin dashboard is built using the Laravel Backpack library. Users with admin or programmer roles have access to the admin dashboard and can perform various tasks.

Roles & Permissions

System roles and permissions in the GT are handled by Spatie's laravel-permissions package.

See Roles & Permissions docs for details

Expert Panel Membership

Users can be members of 0 or more expert panels.

Expert panel access options are fairly rudimentary. A user can have 0-3 options levels for the expert panel, though several overlap:

  • Curator - allows the user to create & update curations they have created for the group.
  • Edit Curations - allows the user to create & update any curation in the group.
  • Coordinator - allows the user to create & update any curation in the group AND allows downloading of exports AND indicates this user will recieve notifiations about the expert panel and their curations.

Users can be assigned to expert panels and granted access on their edit screen in the admin section.

Clingen DataExchange Integration

The ClinGen Data Exchange (DX) is a Kafka message broker run by the Broad Grant, hosted on

The GT integrates with the DX to publish messages about pre-curation records on the gt-precuration-events topic. See the examples and a json schema details about gt-precuration-events

The GT consumes data from the following topics:

  • gene-validity-events - Messages GCI gene curations are used to link GT pre-curations to GCI gene curations and keep the two synchronized.
  • mondo-notifications - Although the GT is monitoring the current state of MonDO to notify coordinators about changes, it also consumes messages from the mondo-notifications topic produced by the Broad team. Messages from this topic are used to keep coordinators up to date on proposed changes to the MonDO terms.

For details about the implementation of the integration see the DX implementation docs.


Most notifications in the GT are "digestible" meaning they implement App\Notifications\DigestibleNotificationInterface and are sent in a weekly digest format.

Digestible notifications are stored to the database when they are "sent". Once a week App\Console\Commands\SendNotificationDigest is invoked by the Laravel task scheduler which aggregates pending notifications for each user and sends them via email.

External API

An external API has been added to allow third parties to request data from the GT. This was created to facilitate the GCI's integration with the GT.

Clients of the external api must have an entry in the api_clients table and have been granted a personal access token.

Clients can be created in one of two ways:

  1. by running php artisan api-client:create <client-name> <client-email> command. This will print the new client id.
  2. Using the admin UI

Tokens can be created for the client by

  1. running php artisan api-client:create-token <client-id> <token-name>.
  2. clicking the 'Create access token' link for the api-client in the admin UI.

Tokens will only be displayed immediately after creation. The token should be copied and securely conveyed to the client. There is not limit to the number of tokens a an api-client can have.

api-clients must include their access token in the header of requests:

curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json"

Currently only two endpoints are supported:

  • GET - pre-curations - Returns a paginated list of pre-curation summaries.
  • GET - pre-curations/[pre-curation-id] - Returns a complete pre-curation record where [pre-curation-id]is id either:
    • The numeric id of the GT pre-curation record
    • The uuid of the GT pre-curation record
    • The gci gdm-uuid of the curation associated to the pre-curation

Full OpenApi documentation for the external API can be found at the api root: Note that authentication is required to access the API documentation.

Other GCI integration points

Precurations can be accessed at their detail screen by using any of the followin ids in the URL:

  • numeric id
  • gt uuid
  • gdm uuid

A button as been added to the MonDO tab in the curation edit screen with the label 'Complete PreCuration and Go to GCI'. Clicking this button will:

  • Store any changes made to the pre-curation
  • Set the status to 'Precuration Complete'
  • Redirect the the user to the GCI with relevant info from the pre-curation to start a new GCI curation record. For the button is disabled unless the following requirements are met:
  • The pre-curation has gene, disease, and moi.
  • The pre-curation does not have a gdm_uuid associated with it.

NOTE: this feature is currently turned off. To turn the feature on set the SEND_TO_GCI_ENABLED environment variable to true. This can be done in the web-console or via the OpenShift command-line client: oc set env dc/app SEND_TO_GCI_ENABLED=true

Data integrations


A copy of all OMIM phenotypes is updated daily at 3am by a scheduled task that runs the App\Console\Commands\UpdateOmimData command followed by App\Console\Commands\UpdateOmimMovedAndRemoved. These commands can also be run manaully from the command line: php artisan omim:update-data and php artisan omim:check-moved-and-removed respectively.

Phenotypes are linked to genes in the database.

Updates to OMIM phenotype status or nomenclature will trigger notifications to coordinators if those phenotypes are connected to any pre-curations in the GT

An api key is needed to access the OMIM downloads and API. Request a key at The key should be set in as the OMIM_API_KEY environment variable.

Note that OMIM revokes access regularly (annually, I think). You will need to fill out the form linked above and with the same email address and access will be re-granted for the same code.


A copy of HGNC data is updated daily at 1am by a scheduled task that runs App\Hgnc\Artisan\ImportHgncCustomDownload.


A copy of all MonDO terms is updated daily at 2am by a scheduld task that runs App\Console\Commands\Mondo\UpdateMondoData.

Updates to disease nomenclature are stored to the database to be sent with the weekly digest. Notifications about term obsoletion are sent to coordinators immediately.

Frontend Architecture

The frontend client is built using Vue 2 with vue-router v3 for client side routing, vuex v3]( as a global store, and the bootstrap-vue component library.

Bundling is done with webpack & LaravelMix.

Find js and css in resources/assets/js and resources/assets/css respectively.


The demo and production instances of the GPM are hosted on UNC's Cloudapps OpenShift cluster in the dept-genetracker project. OpenShift is RedHat's value-add to the Kubernetes open source project. You're better off referencing Kubernetes documentation for anything that is not a proprietary OpenShift thing (i.e. Builds, BuildConfigs, etc.).


At a high level, the project is composed of:

  • MySQL server: persistent store for the application. Based on the jward3/openshift-mysql image.
  • Redis server: application cache, and queue
  • Laravel app, running in three "roles", web app, scheduled task runner, and queue worker. Based on the jward3/php image.
  • A cronjob that backs up the database and writes to a persistent volume.
  • A cronjob that cleans database backups.

This repository is built into a docker image via the app build config and stored in the app ImageStream.

The application image is deployed by three separate DeploymentConfigs to use the Laravel app in different contexts:

  • app - Runs an apache web server with php. This is deployment of the web-accessible app.
  • schuduler - Runs php artisan schudule:run every minute to ensure scheduled tasks are executed. See the Laravel scheduled docs for details.
  • queue - Starts a queue worker php artisan queue:work which processes jobs queued to the redis DeploymentConfig. See for details on queued jobs

The CMD for the image runs .docker/ which runs the appropriate command based on the CONTAINER_ROLE environment variable. Valid container roles include app, queue, and scheduler.


Other Resources

  • OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man catalog of genes and genetic disorders
  • MONDO - Monarch Disease Ontology: ontology of disease ontologies
  • GCI - DB and interface for ClinGen Curators to manage classification of curation curations


Web based gene curation workflow tracking application






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Contributors 4
