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maven-sync synchronizes one Maven repository to another. It is designed to be run as either a one-time migration or a cron job / scheduled task.

Artifacts are synchronized incrementally; versions that exist in the source repository are only mirrored to the target repository if they do not already exist.

Be Considerate

When synchronizing repositories, be considerate of the source repository. Crawling the repository too quickly can cause service impacts.

Getting Started

maven-sync is distributed as a Java application, and can be run on any platform that supports Java 21 or later.

It can be acquired via any Maven-compatible client or direct download, as shown below:

curl -v --fail-with-body -o${MAVEN_SYNC_VERSION}/maven-sync-${MAVEN_SYNC_VERSION}.zip
cd maven-sync-${MAVEN_SYNC_VERSION}
bin/maven-sync <configuration files>


maven-sync is primarily configured via a JSON file, with command-line and environment variable overrides available.

A minimal configuration file, for repositories that do not require authentication, is shown below:

  "source": {
    "url": ""
  "target": {
    "url": "https://<domain>-<account>.d.codeartifact.<region><repository>/"

The full configuration schema is shown below:

  "transferChecksums": false,
  "transferSignatures": true,
  "artifactConcurrency": 3,
  "source": {
    "url": "string",
    "credentials": {
      "username": "string",
      "password": "string"
    "logHttpHeaders": false,
    "crawlDelay": "100ms",
    "downloadDelay": "1s",
    "paths": [
  "target": {
    "url": "string",
    "credentials": {
      "username": "string",
      "password": "string"
    "logHttpHeaders": false
Configuration attribute Description
transferChecksums If true, checksums (.md5, .sha1, .sha256, .sha512) are transferred from the source repository to the target repository. Default is false.
transferSignatures If true, signatures (.asc files) are transferred from the source repository to the target repository. Default is true.
artifactConcurrency The number of artifacts to transfer concurrently. Default is 3.
source.url The URL of the source repository. Required.
source.credentials The credentials to use when accessing the source repository. Optional.
source.logHttpHeaders If true, HTTP headers are logged when accessing the source repository. Default is false.
source.crawlDelay The delay between crawling index pages in the source repository. Default is 100ms.
source.downloadDelay The delay between downloading artifact versions from the source repository. Default is 1s.
source.paths The paths to synchronize from the source repository. Optional. When not provided the entire repository is synchronized.
target.url The URL of the target repository. Required.
target.credentials The credentials to use when accessing the target repository. Optional.
target.logHttpHeaders If true, HTTP headers are logged when accessing the target repository. Default is false.

When multiple configuration file fragments are provided, they are merged together. Configuration attributes are resolved in the order provided.

In addition to specifying configuration attributes in one or more JSON configuration files they can be provided via command-line arguments or environment variables:

  • Command line attributes override configuration file attributes, e.g. --source.url=https://...
  • Environment variables are resolved by using the ${{env:VAR_NAME}} syntax in a configuration file, e.g. "${{ env:CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN }}"


Synchronizing from a source Maven repository to an AWS CodeArtifact repository:

  "source": {
    "url": "",
    "paths": []
  "target": {
    "url": "https://<domain>-<account>.d.codeartifact.<region><repository>/",
    "credentials": {
      "username": "aws",
      "password": "${{ env:CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN }}"

This can be combined with this AWS CLI command to obtain a CodeArtifact authentication token:

 export CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN=`aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain <domain> --domain-owner <owner> --query authorizationToken --output text`