[release] the first release version to open-source community
- remove all deprecated Func and Field
- e.g. NewStateGraph, NewStateChain, WithNodeCallbacks, WithGraphCallbacks, SwitchRunInfo, NewManager, ManagerFromCtx
- [break] redefine callbacks API and move CallbackInput/CalllbackOutput directory
What's Changed
- feat: remove state chain/graph by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #18
- refactor: document extra methods by @N3kox in #19
- feat: parent retriever/indexer by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #16
- feat: fix workflow's coverage report by @BytePender in #20
- feat: add api compatibility check workflow by @BytePender in #21
- feat: delete deprecated api and field by @BytePender in #24
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.4