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☁ Clowder - Backend

Setting up for local development


This README assumes you have Docker installed. If you do not, please read this manual, based on your operating system. It will cover setting up and testing your very own Docker instance (lucky you!)


  • Node: 7.0.1
  • Docker: 27.3.1


Cloning and initial setup

  1. Clone the repository with
    git clone
  2. Enter the cloned repository locally, typically with
    cd backend
  3. Install all dependencies with
    npm i

Setting up the database

  1. Ensure your Docker instance is started by running
    docker info
  2. Compose the Docker container with
    npm run setup-db
  3. Copy the containers IP, which is retrieved by running
    npm run get-docker-ip

Creating the environment


If you are using Docker Desktop (primarily for Windows and MacOS), you should change HOST to localhost and PORT to 54320

  1. Create a new .env file at the root of the project
  2. Refer to the example.env file, replacing values where required
    1. The DATABASE_URL will be constructed of values from docker-compose.local.yaml and the output of previous steps.
      1. If you have not changed any values, you can copy & paste this into your .env - DATABASE_URL="postgresql://root:root@HOST:5432/clowder" and skip to step 5
      2. POSTGRES_USER will be our USERNAME
      4. POSTGRES_DB will be our DATABASE
      5. The IP copied from Setting up the database will be our HOST

Migration and Seeding


If at this point you get an error with connecting to the database, try changing the port in the DATABASE_URL environment variable to 54320

  1. Run all of the migrations by executing
    npx prisma migrate dev
  2. Seed the database with
    npx prisma db seed
  3. You can check the database is migrated and seeded by running
    npx prisma studio

Running the server

  1. You can start the development server with
    npm run dev

Running the application

  1. Execute npm run dev. This will run the nodemon instance, allowing for a smooth experience without having to restart the server.

Made with by the Clowder team