Restores should_create functionality to shoulda.
I like using should_create and friends to make assertions about records coming and going in the database.
Shoulda did, but doesn’t any more. With this, it can again.
Some ideological dispute, I guess. I complained to one of the thoughtbot guys, and he said “that’s the joy of open source, you can build your own”. Well, here it is.
context 'POST to :create' do setup { post :create, :email => '[email protected]', :name => 'Bob Dobbs' } # simple usage should_create :user # asserting records are neither created nor destroyed should_not_change_record_count_of :blog_posts # asserting a change in some state other than simple row count should_change("number of Bobs", :by => 1){ User.where("name ILIKE '%bob%'").count } # the subject can be a class rather than a symbol: should_create Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit # ... or it can be a table name: (remember to pluralize) should_create 'audits' # the to can be a proc: (when using factories and ids are not known at context setup time) should_change('the user group', :to => lambda{ }){ @user.reload.group_id } end
shoulda_create is released under the MIT license: