Materials for the workshop, presented at the small group meeting Introducing Structure: Networks in Social Psychology, held Oct. 31st to Nov. 3rd, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.
This workshop targets a general audience, assuming no prior familiarity with modeling, social networks, or other topics. The workshop is broken into roughly five parts:
- Introduction & Background
- Agent-Based Modeling
- Networks
- Social Influence
- Next Steps & Future Directions
- Cultivate an awareness and an appreciation of the benefits of agent-based modeling and computational descriptions of social psychological phenomena
- Highlight the how's and why's of modeling social psychological phenomena
- Highlight classic examples of
- Provide some preliminary information regarding existing tools that facilitate agent-based modeling
In other words, the things you can acomplish when modeling social psychological phenomena.
- Ability to create agent-based models without any further learning
- Encyclopedic knowledge of modeling environments
In other words, the nitty-gritty details of modeling social psychological phenomena.