A maze game that I created while learning Python and pygame. It has 6 levels and progressively gets harder as you go through them. Having done some pygame video tutorials, I wanted to create a maze game to help me better understand collison detection and that's how this came about!
In creating this game I used the following:
- https://www.pygame.org/project-Rect+Collision+Response-1061-.html (This code was the starting point of my game)
- https://pythonprogramming.net/pygame-python-3-part-1-intro/ (Some other parts of the code came from this)
- https://shutterstock.com (for the player image)
- https://iconfinder.com (for the monster image)
- the hedge image also came from the internet and I adapted it but I don't remember which image I originally used
- other images I created myself using Microsoft paint
I really enjoyed doing this and am really pleased with the result. It took me several months to do but I was only working on it some of the time as life, etc got in the way. However, on reflection I can see it was good it took longer as it enabled my ideas to evolve and when I did work on it, I always made good progress. It should be noted that this is not tested because I made it before starting at Makers Academy, which is when I first learnt about TDD.