- Create You're Own VPC in GCloud
- Create CockroachCloud cluster
- Create a SQL user
- Create a VPC Peering between CockroachCloud and your new VPC in step 1
- Create VPC Serverless Connector
- Deploy a container in Google Cloud Run
In Google cloud, create a new VPC
Console --> VPC Networks
- Name = chrisc-vpc
- Use a Custom subnet
- CIDR Range: => 16 IPs
- Dynamic Routing = Regional
- DNS Server Policy = None
- Private Google Access = Off (we should try with on)
- Click Create
- Record your Project Id and the name of the new VPC
NOTE: Keep track of your CIDR range to know your range of IPs
Create a CockroachCloud cluster
Add a new SQL User
Add a VPC Peering connection (need Project Id and name of VPC network created in Step 1)
Verify VPC Connection in your new VPC. The verification command should look something like this and is generated from the CockroachCloud VPC Peering "Connect" button:
gcloud --project cockroach-chrisc compute networks peerings create chrisc-cc-gcp --network=chrisc-vpc --peer-network=crdb --peer-project=crl-prod-5th --auto-create-routes
Also get the Connect URL for the database and the required cert.
Place the cert in a /certs folder in this directory.
mkdir certs
In Google console, go toS "Console" -> "Serverless VPC Access"
Very important: When creating make sure that the CIDR range for the connector doesn't overlap with the VPC. If you're not sure of your CIDR range, you can figure it using a CIDR calculator: https://www.ipaddressguide.com/cidr
- Click "Create Connector"
- Give the connector a name: "cc-connector"
- Create in same region as created VPC
- Region = us-east4
- Network = chrisc-vpc (the name from Step 1)
- Click Create
- Validate the connector creates successfully
- Choose the Route all traffic option. (Should we try this Private IP setup?)
Instead of using the VPC Peering connection string, us a public IP instead. To do this, you can create a whitelisted IP in CockroachCloud for your local machine.
docker build -t chriscasano/gcr:latest .
export COCKROACH_URI="postgres://chris:<password>@clerk-test-5th.gcp-us-east4.cockroachlabs.cloud:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=require&sslrootcert=/app/certs/clerk-test-ca.crt"
docker run -p 8080:8080 --env COCKROACH_URI chriscasano/gcr
Docs: https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/build-and-deploy?_ga=2.147364543.-903456326.1570542011
Add the container to the registry
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/cockroach-chrisc/cctest
gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/cockroach-chrisc/cctest --platform managed
Choose the region, service name and Y for allow unauthenticated invocations
Go to Cloud Run (GCP Console --> "Cloud Run")
Click Create Service
Service Settings:
- Fully Managed, Region = us-east4
- Service name = cctest
- Allow unauthenticated invocations
Service Revisions:
- Choose your latest image
- In Advanced Settings -> Variables -> Add Variables
COCKROACH_URI = postgres://chris:<password>@clerk-test-5th.gcp-us-east4.cockroachlabs.cloud:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=require&sslrootcert=/app/certs/clerk-test-ca.crt
- In Advanced Settings -> Connections -> VPC Connector
- VPC Connector = Choose Custom
- Select your serverless vpc connector = "cc-connector"
- Select "Route All Traffic Through VPC Connector"
Deploy the container in Google Cloud Run
Once deployed, check the logs of the running container. If you see this...
2020-10-16T01:40:12.832159Z Connecting to database...
2020-10-16T01:40:13.011622Z DB Connection Success
2020-10-16T01:40:13.014043Z SQL Executed!
Then you can get the....
apt-get update
apt-get install net-tools
apt-get install iputils-ping