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@github-actions github-actions released this 15 Jun 18:17
· 66 commits to main since this release


v0.2.2 (2024-06-15)

Browse the Repository | Released Assets


  • Experimental support for CUDA shared memory via Evision.CUDA.GpuMat.to_pointer/{1,2}.
  • Experimental support for Gleam. See gleam_evision_demo for more information.


  • General improvements to the typespecs. Enumerators now also have their own modules.

  • Experimental support for using Nx.tensor directly without calling helper functions like Evision.Mat.from_nx/1, Evision.Mat.from_nx_2d/1 and Evision.Mat.last_dim_as_channel/1 .

  • Support /AOS (arithmetic op src) marks in OpenCV source code.

    This should make evision's behaviour in line with OpenCV (C++ and Python).

    For example, in Evision.add/2, the expected behaviour should be different when src1/src2 are single number and they are tuple/array.

    add(src, X) where X is a number (or Nx.tensor(X)), it means add(src, {X,X,X,X})

    while add(src, {X}) (or add(src, Nx.tensor([X]))) means add(src, {X,0,0,0}).

  • Allow a single number to be passed as Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in() and Evision.scalar().

  • Allow a n-tuple (containing n numbers) to be passed as Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in() and Evision.scalar().

  • Evision.Mat now implements Nx.LazyContainer protocol.


  • Fixed Erlang bindings when converting from Elixir structs to Erlang records and vice versa.