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KupiaSec data for issue #20
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c4-bot-5 committed Sep 25, 2024
1 parent 70ae414 commit 5f2e411
Showing 1 changed file with 292 additions and 0 deletions.
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
| Issue ID | Issue Name |
| [L-01](#l-01-users-can-not-create-the-permanent-lock-directly) | Users can't create the permanent lock directly |
| [L-02](#l-02-there-is-an-inconsistency-in-the-vote-and-poke-functions-regarding-the-handling-of-the-end-of-the-voting-window) | There is an inconsistency in the `vote` and `poke` functions regarding the handling of the end of the voting window |
| [L-03](#l-03-the-VoterUpgradeableV2distributeFees-function-always-reverts) | The `VoterUpgradeableV2.distributeFees()` function always reverts |
| [L-04](#l-04-unnecessary-statements-in-the-_checkpoint-function) | Unnecessary statements in the `_checkpoint` function |
| [L-05](#l-05-the-lastdistributiontimestamp-variable-should-be-always-updated-in-the-_distribute-function) | The `lastDistributionTimestamp` variable should be always updated in the `_distribute` function |
| [L-06](#l-06-the-poke-function-does-not-check-voting-delay) | The `poke` function does not check voting delay |
| [L-07](#l-07-voting-power-of-a-nft-is-not-used-completely) | Voting power of a NFT is not used completely |
| [L-08](#l-08-the-voting-power-is-not-calculated-correctly-according-to-the-weights-assigned-by-the-user-during-poking) | The voting power is not calculated correctly according to the weights assigned by the user during poking |

## [L-01] Users can not create the permanent lock directly

### Vulnerability Detail

In the `_createLock` function, it calls the `_processLockChange` function with `nftStates[newTokenId].locked`, which is an empty variable at L420. This means it only initializes with the `isPermanentLocked` parameter set to `false`.

When users try to lock their tokens permanently, they should first create the lock and then call `lockPermanent`. Additionally, to receive boosted FNX, they must set the end of the lock to be greater than `veBoostCached.getMinLockedTimeForBoost()` when creating the lock.

File: contracts\core\VotingEscrowUpgradeableV2.sol
415: _mint(to_, newTokenId);
416: _proccessLockChange(
417: newTokenId,
418: amount_,
419: unlockTimestamp,
420: nftStates[newTokenId].locked,
421: DepositType.CREATE_LOCK_TYPE,
422: shouldBoosted_
423: );

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a mechanism that allows users to set permanent locking when they create the lock.

## [L-02] There is an inconsistency in the `vote` and `poke` functions regarding the handling of the end of the voting window

### Vulnerability Detail

The `` function allows voting at the end of the voting window, while the `VoterUpgradeableV2.poke` function does not accommodate this.

The `VoterUpgradeableV2.poke` function calls the `_checkVoteWindow` function to verify that the current time is within the allowed voting window.

function poke(uint256 tokenId_) external nonReentrant onlyNftApprovedOrOwner(tokenId_) {
@> _checkVoteWindow();

However, for whitelisted token in the `managedNFTManagerCache`, the `` function permits the current time to be at the end of the voting window.

function vote(
uint256 tokenId_,
address[] calldata poolsVotes_,
uint256[] calldata weights_
) external nonReentrant onlyNftApprovedOrOwner(tokenId_) {
if (!managedNFTManagerCache.isWhitelistedNFT(tokenId_)) {
@> _checkEndVoteWindow();

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

It is recommended to change the code as following:

function poke(uint256 tokenId_) external nonReentrant onlyNftApprovedOrOwner(tokenId_) {
- _checkVoteWindow();
+ _checkStartVoteWindow();
+ if (!managedNFTManagerCache.isWhitelistedNFT(tokenId_)) {
+ _checkEndVoteWindow();
+ }

## [L-03] The `VoterUpgradeableV2.distributeFees()` function always reverts

### Vulnerability Detail

The `VoterUpgradeableV2.distributeFees()` function distributes fees to a list of gauges. It calls the `gauges.claimFees()` function at L400.

File: core\VoterUpgradeableV2.sol
function distributeFees(address[] calldata gauges_) external {
for (uint256 i; i < gauges_.length; i++) {
GaugeState memory state = gaugesState[gauges_[i]];
if (state.isGauge && state.isAlive) {
400: @> IGauge(gauges_[i]).claimFees();

The `guages.claimFees()` function calls the `feeVault.claimFees()` function at L394.

File: contracts\gauges\GaugeUpgradeable.sol
function claimFees() external nonReentrant returns (uint256 claimed0, uint256 claimed1) {
389: @> return _claimFees();
function _claimFees() internal returns (uint256 claimed0, uint256 claimed1) {
address _token = address(TOKEN);
394: @> (claimed0, claimed1) = IFeesVault(feeVault).claimFees();

In the `feeVault.claimFees()` function, it checks if gauge is registered in the Voter at L72.

File: contracts\fees\FeesVaultUpgradeable.sol
function claimFees() external virtual override returns (uint256, uint256) {
IFeesVaultFactory factoryCache = IFeesVaultFactory(factory);
(uint256 toGaugeRate, address[] memory recipients, uint256[] memory rates_) = factoryCache.getDistributionConfig(address(this));
address poolCache = pool;
if (toGaugeRate > 0) {
address voterCache = IFeesVaultFactory(factory).voter();
72: @> if (!IVoter(voterCache).isGauge(msg.sender)) {
73: revert AccessDenied();
74: }
75: @> if (poolCache != IVoter(voterCache).poolForGauge(msg.sender)) {
76: revert PoolMismatch();
77: }

However, as the `VoterUpgradeableV2` contract does not have the `isGauge` function, this function call is reverted.

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add the `isGauge` function and `poolForGauge` function to the `VoterUpgradeableV2` contract.

## [L-04] Unnecessary statements in the `_checkpoint` function

### Vulnerability Detail

In the `VotingEscrowUpgradeableV2._checkpoint()` function, there are several unnecessary statements.

File: core\VotingEscrowUpgradeableV2.sol
583: if (last_point.bias < 0) {
584: // This can happen
585: last_point.bias;
586: }
587: if (last_point.slope < 0) {
588: // This cannot happen - just in case
589: last_point.slope;
590: }
609: if (last_point.slope < 0) {
610: last_point.slope;
611: }
612: if (last_point.bias < 0) {
613: last_point.bias;
614: }

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove these lines to reduce complexity.

## [L-05] The `lastDistributionTimestamp` variable should be always updated in the `_distribute` function

### Vulnerability Detail

In the `VoterUpgradeableV2._distribute()` function, the `lastDistributionTimestamp` variable is only updated when `claimable` is greater than 0 and gauge is alive.

File: contracts\core\VoterUpgradeableV2.sol
644: if (claimable > 0 && state.isAlive) {
645: gaugesState[gauge_].claimable = 0;
646: gaugesState[gauge_].lastDistributionTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
647: IGauge(gauge_).notifyRewardAmount(token, claimable);
648: emit DistributeReward(_msgSender(), gauge_, claimable);
649: }

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

It is recommended to change the code as following:

if (claimable > 0 && state.isAlive) {
gaugesState[gauge_].claimable = 0;
- gaugesState[gauge_].lastDistributionTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
IGauge(gauge_).notifyRewardAmount(token, claimable);
emit DistributeReward(_msgSender(), gauge_, claimable);
+ gaugesState[gauge_].lastDistributionTimestamp = currentTimestamp;

## [L-06] The `poke` function does not check voting delay

### Vulnerability Detail

In the `VoterUpgradeableV2.poke()` function, it does not check voting delay.

File: contracts\core\VoterUpgradeableV2.sol
460: function poke(uint256 tokenId_) external nonReentrant onlyNftApprovedOrOwner(tokenId_) {
461: _checkVoteWindow();
462: _poke(tokenId_);
463: }

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

It is recommended to change the code as following:

function poke(uint256 tokenId_) external nonReentrant onlyNftApprovedOrOwner(tokenId_) {
+ _checkVoteDelay(tokenId_);

## [L-07] Voting power of a NFT is not used completely

### Vulnerability Detail

In the `VoterUpgradeableV2._vote()` function, it calculates the `votePowerForPool` from weights. However, the actual voting power of a NFT(`nftVotePower`) is bigger than final voting power(`totalVoterPower`) due to precision loss.

File: core\VoterUpgradeableV2.sol
725: uint256 nftVotePower = IVotingEscrowV2(votingEscrow).balanceOfNFT(tokenId_);
737: for (uint256 i; i < pools_.length; i++) {
738: address pool = pools_[i];
739: address gauge = poolToGauge[pools_[i]];
740: uint256 votePowerForPool = (weights_[i] * nftVotePower) / totalVotesWeight;
751: totalVoterPower += votePowerForPool;
755: }

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

It is recommend to change code as following to reduce precision loss.
for (uint256 i; i < pools_.length; i++) {
address pool = pools_[i];
address gauge = poolToGauge[pools_[i]];
- uint256 votePowerForPool = (weights_[i] * nftVotePower) / totalVotesWeight;
+ if (i == pools_.length - 1) {
+ uint256 votePowerForPool = nftVotePower - totalVoterPower;
+ }
+ else {
+ uint256 votePowerForPool = (weights_[i] * nftVotePower) / totalVotesWeight;
+ }

## [L-08] The voting power is not calculated correctly according to the weights assigned by the user during poking

### Vulnerability Detail

In the `VoterUpgradeableV2._vote` function, there is precision loss in calculation of `votePowerForPool`.

File: contracts\core\VoterUpgradeableV2.sol
740: uint256 votePowerForPool = (weights_[i] * nftVotePower) / totalVotesWeight;
749: votes[tokenId_][pool] = votePowerForPool;

And `votePowerForPool` is used recursively in `_poke` function.

File: contracts\core\VoterUpgradeableV2.sol
615: for (uint256 i; i < _poolVote.length; ) {
616: _weights[i] = votes[tokenId_][_poolVote[i]];
617: unchecked {
618: i++;
619: }
620: }
621: _vote(tokenId_, _poolVote, _weights);

At that time, due to precision loss, `votePowerForPool` is not calculated correctly according to the weights assigned by the user.

### Recommended Mitigation Steps

Store the array of weights corresponding to the pools during voting and use it instead of `votes[tokenId_][_poolVote[i]]` in the poking process.

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