The Google Play In-App Review plugin lets you prompt users to submit Play Store ratings and reviews without the inconvenience of leaving your app or game.
Go to Addon release page
Download the version of the add-on according to the required version of Godot
Unpack archive in /addons directory inside your project
Goto: Progect -> Project Settings... -> Plugins
Plugin ready to go
- Initialize the plugin:
# RateMe singleton
var _rate_me_addon
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# RateMe init
if Engine.has_singleton("GodotAndroidRateme"):
# Get plugin
_rate_me_addon = Engine.get_singleton("GodotAndroidRateme")
# Connect signals (optional)
_rate_me_addon.error.connect(self._on_rateme_error) # use err as string
printerr("Couldn't find RateMe singleton")
- Call show() func at any time you need:
if _rate_me_addon:
Additionally, the plugin provides two signals:
- Review is successful:
NOTE: According to the policy, you will not be able to get information about what kind of rating the user has set.
func _on_rateme_completed(): print("Rate Me completed")
- Error due review:
func _on_rateme_error(err): printerr("ERROR due Rate Me: " + str(err))
You can see how the plugin works using the example of a simple game "Snake":