Maplat EdgeRuler is a library for generating constrained triangulations based on Delaunator.
- Applies edge constraints to Delaunator output
- Supports multiple constraint types:
- Required edge constraints (implemented in v0.1.0)
- Forbidden edge constraints (planned for v0.2.0)
- Fast algorithm with efficient memory usage
- Implemented in TypeScript with complete type definitions
# Install the main package
npm install @maplat/edgeruler
# Install the required peer dependency
npm install delaunator
Before installing Maplat EdgeRuler, you need to load the following prerequisite library:
<!-- Prerequisite library -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Then load Maplat EdgeRuler -->
<script src=""></script>
import Delaunator from "delaunator";
import EdgeRuler from "@maplat/edgeruler";
// Define point data
const points = [[150, 50], [50, 200], [150, 350], [250, 200]];
// Generate initial triangulation using Delaunator
const del = Delaunator.from(points);
// Create constrained triangulation
const con = new EdgeRuler(del);
// Add a required edge (e.g., connecting vertex 0 and vertex 2)
con.constrainOne(0, 2);
// Add multiple required edges at once
const edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]];
// The constrained triangulation result is available in the del property
const constrainedDel = con.del;
Input data must satisfy the following conditions:
- No duplicate coordinates in the point set
- No intersections between constraint edges
- Constraint edges must not intersect with points other than their endpoints
- The outer boundary of the triangulation must form a convex hull
- The triangulation must not contain holes
The last two conditions are guaranteed by Delaunator, but care must be taken when modifying the triangulation.
Basic approach:
- First, construct a regular Delaunay triangulation (using Delaunator)
- Process and add the specified constraint edges
- Detect and remove existing edges that intersect with constraint edges
- Optimize to satisfy the Delaunay condition as much as possible while maintaining constraint edges
This algorithm is based on the following paper:
- Achieves near-linear execution time O(N) for N points
- Efficient memory usage through BitSet implementation
- Additional cost for constraints typically less than 10%
import Delaunator from "delaunator";
import {Forbid} from "@maplat/edgeruler";
const del = Delaunator.from(points);
const fbd = new Forbid(del);
fbd.forbidAll(forbidEdges); // Define forbidden edges
const forbidDel = fbd.del; // Get constrained triangulation result
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 Code for History
- Kohei Otsuka
- Code for History
- This library is based on @kninnug/constrainautor 4.0.0
- The constraint algorithm is based on S. W. Sloan's paper
- Uses robust-predicates (a port of Jonathan Shewchuk's geometric computation algorithms)
We welcome your contributions! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests.