Run your own k3d cluster with Crossplane and deploy ArgoCD instances onto vclusters
- k3d
- Helm
- Initialization script - deploys k3d cluster and installs ArgoCD onto it. It also applies the argocd-applications to this cluster.
- crossplane-resources - Contains the providers required to deploy our virtualargocd composite resource, along with the definition and the composition
- virtualargocds - contains the composite resource claims. Here we will define all instances of the composition to be created.
- argocd-applications - contains ArgoCD applications so that ArgoCD syncs it all to the cluster. One of the ArgoCD appplications deploys crossplane itself to the cluster.
- Fork the repo
- Replace repository URL in crossplane-resources.yaml and in virtual-argocds.yaml.
- Execute initializtion script.
- Once all ArgoCD applications are synced, uncomment customer2.yaml, see that a namespace is created, with vcluster and ArgoCD deployed onto it.