folder contains images lists for each dev onprem chartreleases/*
folder contains images lists for each prod onprem chart
To get a simple image list (without image digests) of a lates on-prem release, use the following command:
For a specific on-prem helm repo and release version use:
./ --repo prod --version 1.0.151
If you need image list along with their repo digests, you will require a proper GCR service account file to be able to access the private images:
./ --repo prod --version 1.0.151 --show-digests --gcr-sa ./sa.json
Use Case: install in non-internet environments for private repo
setup docker and docker login to both source and destination registries
Install regctl
to login with obtained Google Service Accounbt for Codefresh Enterprise registery:
docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat sa.json)" <private-registry-addr> <release-name>
Example: v1.0.90