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Shai Almog edited this page Feb 5, 2016 · 16 revisions

This chapter covers the creation of a simple hello world style theme and its visual customization. It uses the Codename One Designer tool to demonstrate basic concepts in theme creation such as 9-piece borders, selectors and style types.

Codename One themes are effectively a set of UIID’s mapped to a Style object. Codename One applications always have a theme, you can modify it to suit your needs and you can add multiple themes within the main resource file.

You can also add multiple resource files to a project and work with them. In code a theme is initialized using this code in your main class:

private Resources theme;

public void init(Object context) {
    theme = UIManager.initFirstTheme("/theme");

The initFirstTheme method is a helper method that hides some try/catch logic as well as some verbosity. This could be expressed as:

try {
    theme = Resources.openLayered("/theme");
} catch(IOException e){

In GUI builder application themes get loaded internally by the state machine. You can override their loading via the initTheme method, this is discussed in the old GUI builder section.

The paragraph above refers to the old GUI builder. The new GUI builder which is currently in alpha stages uses the standard manual application structure.

Customizing Your Theme

We can launch the designer tool by double clicking on the theme.res file found in typical Codename One applications. In the left side you can see the section picker and within it the Theme section.

The theme area in the designer
Figure 1. The theme area in the designer

When you select the theme you will see the theme default view.

Theme default view
Figure 2. Theme default view

There are several interesting things to notice here the preview section allows us to instantly see the changes we make to the theme data.

Theme preview section
Figure 3. Theme preview section

The theme state tabs and constant tabs allow us to pass between the various editing modes for the theme & also add theme constants.

We’ll discuss theme constants in-depth soon but styles are probably more important. Codename One has 4 builtin styles that every component can use:

  • Unselected - normally this is what you will see when you style a component. This is the default view of the designer.

  • Selected - when the component has focus or is being touched you will see this style. Notice that on touch devices focus is only shown when the screen is touched.

  • Pressed - only applies to buttons, tabs. Represents the look of a component when its pressed.

  • Disabled - used when the developer has invoked setEnabled(false) on the component. This indicates the component is inaccessible.

You can use these tabs to add the various types of styles and theme constants
Figure 4. You can use these tabs to add the various types of styles and theme constants

The most important section is the style section. It allows us to add/edit/remove style UIID’s.

Notice the Default Style section, it allows us to customize global defaults for the styles. Use it with caution as changes here can have wide implications.

The theme selection area allows us to add
Figure 5. The theme selection area allows us to add, edit and delete entries. Notice the default style entry which is a unique special case

When we add an entry to the style we can just type the desired UIID into the box at the top of the dialog. We can also pick a UIID from the combo box but that might not include all potential options.

You can use the Component Inspector tool in the simulator to locate a component and its UIID in a specific Form.
When pressing the Add/Edit entry we can edit a specific style entry UIID
Figure 6. When pressing the Add/Edit entry we can edit a specific style entry UIID

When we add/edit an entry an important piece of the puzzle is the Derive check box that appears next to all of the UIID entries. All styles derive from the base style and usually from the native theme defaults, so when this flag is checked the defaults will be used.

When you uncheck that checkbox the fields below it become editable and you can override the default behavior. To restore the default just recheck that flag.

A common oddity for developers is that when they press Add and don’t derive any entry nothing is actually added. The entries in the theme are essentially key/value pairs so when you don’t add anything there are no keys so the entry doesn’t show up.

Customizing The Title

The title is a great target for customization since it includes a few interesting "complexities".

The Title is surrounded by a TitleArea container that encloses it, above the title you will also see the StatusBar UIID that prevents the status details from drawing on top of the title text.

Title Area UIID’s
Figure 7. Title Area UIID’s
The StatusBar UIID is a special case that is only there on iOS. In iOS the application needs to render the section under the status bar (which isn’t the case for other OS’s) and the StatusBar UIID was added so developers can ignore that behavior.

Background Priorities & Types

A slightly confusing aspects of styles in Codename One is the priorities of backgrounds. When you define a specific type of background it will override prior definitions, this even applies to inheritance.

E.g. if the theme defined an image border for the Button UIID (a very common case) if you will try to define the background image or the background color of Button those will be ignored!

The solution is to derive the border and select the Empty border type.

The order for UIID settings for background is as follows:

  1. Border - if the component has a border it can override everything. Image borders always override all background settings you might have.

  2. Image - a scaled image background overrides background color/transparency settings.

  3. Background Color/Transparency - If transparency is larger than 0 then this takes effect.

Gradients sit at a higher position than background color. However, their performance is abysmal at the time of this writing and we strongly recommend avoiding their usage.

The Background Behavior & Image

Lets start in the first page of the style entry, we’ll customize the background behavior for the Title UIID and demonstrate/explain some of the behaviors.

The pictures below demonstrate the different types of background image behaviors.

IMAGE_SCALED scales the image without preserving aspect ratio to fit the exact size of the component
Figure 8. IMAGE_SCALED scales the image without preserving aspect ratio to fit the exact size of the component
IMAGE_SCALED_FILL scales the image while preserving aspect ratio so it fills the entire space of the component
Figure 9. IMAGE_SCALED_FILL scales the image while preserving aspect ratio so it fills the entire space of the component
Aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and the right of the image. E.g. if the image is 100x50 pixels and we want the width to be 200 pixels preserving the aspect ratio will require the height to also double to 200x100.
We highly recommend preserving the aspect ratio to keep images more "natural".
IMAGE_SCALED_FIT scales the image while preserving aspect ratio so it fits within the component
Figure 10. IMAGE_SCALED_FIT scales the image while preserving aspect ratio so it fits within the component
IMAGE_TILE_BOTH tiles the image on both axis of the component
Figure 11. IMAGE_TILE_BOTH tiles the image on both axis of the component
IMAGE_TILE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_LEFT tiles the image on the left side of the component
Figure 12. IMAGE_TILE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_LEFT tiles the image on the left side of the component
IMAGE_TILE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER tiles the image in the middle of the component
Figure 13. IMAGE_TILE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER tiles the image in the middle of the component
IMAGE_TILE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_RIGHT tiles the image on the right side of the component
Figure 14. IMAGE_TILE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_RIGHT tiles the image on the right side of the component
IMAGE_TILE_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_TOP tiles the image on the top of the component
Figure 15. IMAGE_TILE_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_TOP tiles the image on the top of the component
IMAGE_TILE_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER tiles the image in the middle of the component
Figure 16. IMAGE_TILE_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER tiles the image in the middle of the component
IMAGE_TILE_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM tiles the image to the bottom of the component
Figure 17. IMAGE_TILE_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM tiles the image to the bottom of the component
IMAGE_ALIGNED_TOP places the image centered at the top part of the component
Figure 18. IMAGE_ALIGNED_TOP places the image centered at the top part of the component
IMAGE_ALIGNED_BOTTOM places the image centered at the bottom part of the component
Figure 19. IMAGE_ALIGNED_BOTTOM places the image centered at the bottom part of the component
IMAGE_ALIGNED_LEFT places the image centered at the left part of the component
Figure 20. IMAGE_ALIGNED_LEFT places the image centered at the left part of the component
IMAGE_ALIGNED_RIGHT places the image centered at the right part of the component
Figure 21. IMAGE_ALIGNED_RIGHT places the image centered at the right part of the component
IMAGE_ALIGNED_TOP_LEFT places the image at the top left corner
Figure 22. IMAGE_ALIGNED_TOP_LEFT places the image at the top left corner
IMAGE_ALIGNED_TOP_RIGHT places the image at the top right corner
Figure 23. IMAGE_ALIGNED_TOP_RIGHT places the image at the top right corner
IMAGE_ALIGNED_BOTTOM_LEFT places the image at the bottom left corner
Figure 24. IMAGE_ALIGNED_BOTTOM_LEFT places the image at the bottom left corner
IMAGE_ALIGNED_BOTTOM_RIGHT places the image at the bottom right corner
Figure 25. IMAGE_ALIGNED_BOTTOM_RIGHT places the image at the bottom right corner
IMAGE_ALIGNED_CENTER places the image in the middle of the component
Figure 26. IMAGE_ALIGNED_CENTER places the image in the middle of the component
The UI also supports setting gradients but we recommend that you avoid using them as they are less portable than images/borders and perform poorly.

The Color Settings

The color settings are much simpler than the background behavior. As explained above the priority for color is at the bottom so if you have a border, image or gradient defined the background color settings will be ignored.

Add theme entry color settings
Figure 27. Add theme entry color settings

There are three color settings:

  • Foreground color is the RRGGBB color that sets the style foreground color normally used to draw the text of the component. You can use the color picker button on the side to pick a color

  • Background same as foreground only determines the background color of the component

  • Transparency represents the opacity of the component background as a value between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque)

Setting the background will have no effect unless transparency is higher than 0. If you don’t explicitly define this it might have a different value based on the native theme


Not all component types support alignment and even when they do they don’t support it for all elements. E.g. a Label and its subclasses support alignment but will only apply it to the text and not the icon.

Notice that Container doesn’t support alignment. You should use the layout manager to tune component positioning.

Alignment of the text within some component types
Figure 28. Alignment of the text within some component types
Aligning text components to anything other than the default alignment might be a problem if they are editable. The native editing capabilities might collide with the alignment behavior.

Padding & Margin

Padding and margin are concepts derived from the CSS box model. They are slightly different in Codename One, where the border spacing is part of the padding, but other than that they are pretty similar:

Padding and Margin
Figure 29. Padding & Margin/Box Model

In the above diagram, we can see the component represented in yellow occupying its preferred size. The padding portion in gray effectively increases the components size. The margin is the space between components, it allows us to keep whitespace between multiple components. Margin is represented in red in the diagram.

The theme allows us to customize the padding/margin, and specify them for all 4 sides of a component. They can be specified in pixels, millimeters/dips, or screen percentage:

Padding tab
Figure 30. Padding tab
We recommend using millimeters for all spacing to make it look good for all device densities. Percentages make sense only in very extreme cases.


Borders are a big subject in their own right, the UI for their creation is also a bit confusing:

Border entry in the theme
Figure 31. Border entry in the theme

9-Piece Image Border

The most common border by far is the 9-piece image border, to facilitate that border type we have a special Image Border Wizard.

A 9 piece image border is a common convention in UI theming that divides a border into 9 pieces 4 representing corners, 4 representing the sides and one representing the middle.

Android uses a common variation on the 9-piece border: 9-patch. The main difference between the 9-piece border & 9-patch is that 9-piece borders tile the sides/center whereas 9-patch scales them.

9-piece image borders work better than background images for many use cases where the background needs to "grow/shrink" extensively and might need to change aspect ratio.

They don’t work well in cases where the image is a-symetric on both axis. E.g. a radial gradient image. 9-piece images in general don’t work very well with complex gradients.

The image border wizard simplifies the process of generating a 9-piece image border using a 3 stage process.

Stage 1: create or pick an image from an existing PNG file that we will convert to a 9-piece image
Figure 32. Stage 1: create or pick an image from an existing PNG file that we will convert to a 9-piece image
Use an image that’s designed for a high DPI device e.g. iPhone 6+.

For your convenience you can create a rudimentary image with the create image stage but for a professional looking application you would usually want to use a design by a professional designer.

Stage 2: Cutting the image and adapting it to the DPI’s
Figure 33. Stage 2: Cutting the image and adapting it to the DPI’s

The second stage is probably the hardest and most important one in this wizard!

You can change the values of the top/bottom/left/right spinners to move the position of the guide lines that indicate the various 9 pieces. The image shows the correct cut for this image type with special attention to the following:

  • The left/right position is high enough to fit in the rounded corners in their entirety. Notice that we didn’t just leave 1 pixel as that performs badly, we want to leave as much space as possible!

  • The top and bottom lines have exactly one pixel between them. This is to avoid breaking the gradient. E.g. if we set the lines further apart we will end up with this:

This is why it’s important to keep the lines close when a gradient is involved
Figure 34. This is why it’s important to keep the lines close when a gradient is involved, notice the tiling effect…​
When the lines are close together the gradient effect grows more effectively
Figure 35. When the lines are close together the gradient effect grows more effectively
  • The elements on the right hand side include the Generate Multi Image options. Here you can indicate the density of the source image you are using (e.g. if its for iPhone 5 class device pick Very High). You can then select in the checkboxes below the densities that should be generated automatically for you. This allows fine detail on the border to be maintained in the various high/low resolution devices.

We go into a lot of details about multi images in the advanced theming section.
Stage 3: Styles to which the border is applied
Figure 36. Stage 3: Styles to which the border is applied

The last page indicates the styles to which the wizard will apply the border. Under normal usage you don’t really need to touch this as its properly filled out.

You can define the same border for multiple UIIDs from here though.

Border Minimum Size

A common oddity when using the image borders is the fact that even when padding is removed the component might take a larger size than the height of the text within it.

The reason for that is the border. Because of the way borders are implemented they just can’t be drawn to be smaller than the sum of their corners. E.g. the minimum height of a border would be the height of the bottom corner + the height of the top corner. The minimum width would be the width of the left + right corners.

This is coded into the common preferred size methods in Codename One and components generally don’t shrink below the size of the image border even if padding is 0.

Customizing The 9-Piece Border

Normally we can just use the 9-piece border wizard but we can also customize the border by pressing the "…​" button on the border section in the theme.

Press this to customize borders
Figure 37. Press this to customize borders

The UI for the 9-piece border we created above looks like this.

9-piece border in edit mode
Figure 38. 9-piece border in edit mode

You can pick the image represented by every section in the border from the combo boxes. They are organized in the same way the border is with the 9-pieces placed in the same position they would occupy when the border is rendered.

Notice that the other elements in the UI are disabled when the image border type is selected.
3 Image Mode

The 9-piece border has a (rarely used) special case: 3 image mode. In this mode a developer can specify the top left corner, the top image and the center image to produce a 9 piece border. The corner and top piece are then rotated dynamically to produce a standard 9-piece border on the device.

This is useful for reducing application code size but isn’t used often as it requires a more symetric UI.

Don’t confuse the 3-image mode for the 9-piece border with the horizontal/vertical image border below

Horizontal/Vertical Image Border

The 9-piece border is the workhorse of borders in Codename One, however there are some edge cases of UI elements that should grow on one axis and not on another. A perfect example of this is the iOS style back button. If we tried to cut it into a 9-piece border the arrow effect would be broken.

Horizontal image border is commonly used for UI’s that can’t grow vertically e.g. the iOS style back button
Figure 39. Horizontal image border is commonly used for UI’s that can’t grow vertically e.g. the iOS style back button

The horizontal and vertical image borders accept 3 images of their respective AXIS and build the border by placing one image on each side and tiling the center image between them. E.g. A horizontal border will never grow vertically.

In RTL/Bidi [1] modes the borders flip automatically to show the reverse direction. An iOS style back button will point to the right in such languages.

Empty Border

Empty borders enforce the removal of a border. This is important if you would like to block a base style from having a border.

E.g. Buttons have borders by default. If you would like to create a Button that is strictly of solid color you could just define the border to be empty and then use the solid color as you see fit.

There is a null border which is often confused with an empty border. You should use empty border and not null border.

Bevel/Etched Borders

We generally recommend avoiding bevel/etched border types as they aren’t as efficient and look a bit dated in todays applications. We cover them here mostly for completeness.

Bevel border
Figure 40. Bevel border
Etched border
Figure 41. Etched border


Derive allows us to inherit the behavior of a UIID and extend it with some customization.

E.g. Lets say we created a component that’s supposed to look like a title, we could do something like:


But title might sometimes be aligned to the left (based on theme) and we always want our component to be center aligned. However, we don’t want that to affect the actual titles in the app…​

To solve this we can define a MyTitle UIID and derive the Title UIID. Then just customize that one attribute.

Derive title
Figure 42. Derive title
Issues With Derive

Style inheritance is a problematic topic in every tool that supports such behavior. Codename One styles start from a global default then have a system default applied and on top of that have the native OS default applied to them.

At that point a developer can define the style after all of the user settings are in place. Normally this works reasonably well, but there are some edge cases where inheriting a style can fail.

When you override an existing style such as Button and choose to derive from Button in a different selection mode or even a different component altogether such as Label you might trigger a recursion effect where a theme setting in the base theme depends on something in a base triggering an infinite loop.

To avoid this always inherit only from UIID’s you defined e.g. MyButton.


Codename One currently supports 3 font types:

  • System fonts - these are very simplistic builtin fonts. They work on all platforms and come in one of 3 sizes. However, they are ubiquitous and work in every platform in all languages.

  • TTF files - you can just place a TTF file in the src directory of the project and it will appear in the True Type combo box.

  • Native fonts - these aren’t supported on all platforms but generally they allow you to use a set of platform native good looking fonts. E.g. on Android the devices Roboto font will be used and on iOS Helvetica Neue will be used.

If you use a TTF file MAKE SURE not to delete the file when there MIGHT be a reference to it. This can cause hard to track down issues!
Font Theme Entry
Figure 43. Font Theme Entry
System fonts are always defined even if you use a TTF or native font. If the native font/TTF is unavailable in a specific platform the system font will be used instead.

You can size native/TTF fonts either via pixels, millimeters or based on the size of the equivalent system fonts. You should notice that font sizing is very inconsistent between platforms.

due to copyright restrictions we cannot distribute Helvetica and thus can’t simulate it. In the simulator you will see Roboto and not the device font unless you are running on a Mac.
Font Effects

You can define an effect to be applied to a specific font, specifically:

  • Underline

  • Strike thru

  • 3d text raised/lowered

  • 3d shadow north

The "3d" effects effectively just draw the text twice, with a sligh offest and two different colors to create a "3d" feel.

All of the effects are relatively simple and performant.

1. Languages that are written from right to left such as Hebrew, Arabic etc.
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