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QuizMasterAPI Documentation


Welcome to the QuizMasterAPI, a simple Node.js-based quiz application that allows users to register, login, take quizzes, view their quiz history and compare to others in the leaderboard. Additionally, administrators can register, login, add quizzes, and view the leaderboard. This documentation provides an overview of the project structure, functionality, and usage.

Project Context

This project is developed by our team, XtraDrill, for the Software Project Lab (SWE 4304) during the 3rd semester at the Islamic University of Technology. It represents one of the initial projects undertaken by our team during the early stages of our academic journey.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Structure
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Endpoints
  5. Developers

Project Structure

The QuizMasterAPI adopts the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, a widely employed architectural principle in software development. This pattern partitions the application into three cohesive elements:

Model: Manages data handling and encapsulates the core business logic of the application.

View: Concerned with the presentation layer and the user interface, ensuring that data is displayed appropriately to users.

Controller: Acts as an intermediary, processing user inputs, modifying the model as necessary, and updating the view accordingly.

The QuizMasterAPI project is organized as follows:

  • Model:

    • adminModel.js, quizModel.js, userModel.js
  • View:

    • adminView.js, quizView.js, userView.js
  • Controller:

    • adminController.js, userController.js
  • Database:

    • admins.json, users.json, chemistry.json, english.json, math.json, physics.json, quiz.json, leaderboard.json, mistakes.json
  • Others:

    • node_modules (dependencies folder), package-lock.json, package.json, server.js

Installation and How To Use QuizMasterAPI


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  1. Node.js: The QuizMasterAPI is built using Node.js. Download and install it from

  2. Git: You'll need Git to clone the repository. Install it from

Installation Steps:

1. Clone the GitHub repository:

Open your terminal (Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Terminal) and run the following command to clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

2. Navigate to the project directory:

Move into the project directory using the cd command:

cd QuizMasterApi

3. Install project dependencies:

Use npm (Node Package Manager) to install the required dependencies:

npm install

Running the QuizMasterAPI:

1. Start the server:

Run the following command to start the QuizMasterAPI server:

npm start

This command will launch the server, and you should see output indicating that the server is running.

2. Access the API:

You can access the API at http://localhost:3000 by default. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to interact with the QuizMasterAPI.

Recommended IDEs:

While you can use any text editor for working with Node.js projects, here are some popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that you might find useful:

  1. Visual Studio Code (VSCode): Download and install from

  2. Atom: Download and install from

  3. WebStorm: A powerful IDE for JavaScript, you can find it at

API Testing:

You can test the endpoints with this Postman Collection: QuizMasterAPI-Postman-Collection.


User Operations

1. User Registration

To register a new user, send a POST request to /register with the user's information in the request body.

2. User Login

To log in as a user, send a POST request to /login with the user's credentials in the request body. Successful login returns an access token.

3. Take Quiz

  1. Get 10 random quizzes: Send a GET request to /user/takeQuiz.
  2. Get 10 random quizzes for a specific subject (e.g., physics): Send a GET request to /user/takeQuiz/physics.
  3. Submit Quiz: Send a POST request to /user/submitQuiz with the user's quiz responses.

4. View Mistaken Questions

To view randomly fetched mistaken questions, send a GET request to /user/mistakes.

5. View Quiz History

To view the quiz history, send a GET request to /user/quizhistory.

6. View Leaderboard

To view the leaderboard, send a GET request to /leaderboard.

Admin Operations

1. Admin Registration

To register a new admin, send a POST request to /admin/register with the admin's information in the request body.

2. Admin Login

To log in as an admin, send a POST request to /admin/login with the admin's credentials in the request body. Successful login returns an access token.

3. Add Quiz

To add a quiz for a specific subject (e.g., physics), send a POST request to /admin/addQuiz/physics with the quiz details in the request body. Admin authentication is required.

4. View Leaderboard

To view the leaderboard, send a GET request to /leaderboard.


  1. User Endpoints:

    • POST /register: User registration.
    • POST /login: User login.
    • GET /user/takeQuiz: Get 10 random quizzes.
    • GET /user/takeQuiz/{subject}: Get 10 random quizzes for a specific subject.
    • POST /user/submitQuiz: Submit a quiz.
    • GET /user/mistakes: View mistaken questions.
    • GET /user/quizhistory: View quiz history.
    • GET /leaderboard: View the leaderboard.
  2. Admin Endpoints:

    • POST /admin/register: Admin registration.
    • POST /admin/login: Admin login.
    • POST /admin/addQuiz/{subject}: Add a quiz for a specific subject.
    • GET /leaderboard: View the leaderboard.


The QuizMasterAPI project is developed and maintained by @codenim34, @takitajwar17 & @imtiaz-risat.


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