Smartlife(Tuya) devices monitoring with prometheus and grafana
Pre-Requisite: Prometheus server, Grafana, Go and python installation.
Use tuya_cloud go app like below to get the device local keys. it requires client_id and comma separarted device_ids(this can be taken from tuya smarlife app) Follow this document to generate client_id and secret You need to add devices to the created project either by tuya app or smartlife app. Build go main module by (go build main.go) and run as below
./main -client_id client_id -secret client_secret -device_ids id1,id2
This will print device details which will include device localkey. copy these keys with device id for use in tuya prometheus python module.
In Tuya python module create device_configs.yaml. A sample is available here
Below are the key details required for every module you want to monitor. Device name you can give based on usecase that smart device is solving. In your router assign these devices a static address so that any restart should not cause invalid ip's and these devices always get same ip's from the router
- device_name: TV Socket
device_id: device_id
location: Living Room
local_key: local_key
Run this python module(python3 it will start serving prometheus formate metrics at http://localhost:9185. Register this as a service so that it will always run at startup.
Configure prometheus server to scrap these metrics in your prometheus.yaml. A sample config is as below
- job_name: tinytuya
honor_timestamps: true
scrape_interval: 5s
scrape_timeout: 5s
metrics_path: /metrics
scheme: http
follow_redirects: true
- targets:
- localhost:9185
Import grafana dashboard in your grafana UI available at this location
Create a config map with name tuya-device-config from file device_configs.yaml. you can use below command to do that
kubectl create cm tuya-device-config --from-file device_configs.yaml
Update with your device information and run below
kubectl apply -f config.yaml
Once config map is deployed then run below command to deploy app
kubectl apply -f