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Create Revised-AdminLaunchOption.bat
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Summary of Changes
Consistent Use of Delayed Expansion: Ensured that all variable accesses that may change within loops or conditionals use !variable!.

Improved Error Handling: Added checks after critical installations to log errors and provide user feedback.

Removed Redundant endlocal: Cleaned up unnecessary endlocal commands to avoid confusion.

Simplified Logic: Streamlined the installation checks to reduce redundancy and improve clarity.

User Feedback: Enhanced user feedback throughout the script to keep the user informed of the script's progress.
  • Loading branch information
coff33ninja committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent 6af835c commit 5b0e239
Showing 1 changed file with 361 additions and 0 deletions.
361 changes: 361 additions & 0 deletions Revised-AdminLaunchOption.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set LOGFILE=%~dp0\install-log.txt
echo %date% %time% - Script started > %LOGFILE%

:: Check if running as administrator and, if not, elevate permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
echo Requesting administrative privileges... >> %LOGFILE%
goto UACPrompt
) else (
echo Running with administrative privileges... >> %LOGFILE%
goto gotAdmin

echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B

if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" (
del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
pushd "%CD%"
CD /D "%~dp0"

:: Create the C:\NexTool directory
if not exist "C:\NexTool\" (
mkdir "C:\NexTool"

:: Set full permissions for the directory
icacls "C:\NexTool" /grant Everyone:F /T /C /Q
if "%errorlevel%" NEQ "0" (
echo %date% %time% - Error setting permissions for C:\NexTool >> %LOGFILE%
echo Failed to set permissions for C:\NexTool.
exit /B
cd /D "C:\NexTool"

:: Check and Install Chocolatey
echo %date% %time% - Checking Chocolatey installation >> %LOGFILE%
choco --version > nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Chocolatey not detected. Attempting installation... >> %LOGFILE%
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex (((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('choco --version') do set CHOCO_VERSION=%%i
echo %date% %time% - Error: Failed to install Chocolatey! >> %LOGFILE%
exit /B
) ELSE (
echo Chocolatey version: %CHOCO_VERSION% >> %LOGFILE%
) ELSE (
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('choco --version') do set CHOCO_VERSION=%%i
echo Chocolatey version: %CHOCO_VERSION% already installed >> %LOGFILE%

:: Check Windows version
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%a in ('ver') do (
set major=%%a
set minor=%%b

if !major! LSS 10 (
echo Winget is only available for Windows 10 and later. Continuing on with script. >> %LOGFILE%
goto CheckAria2c

echo %date% %time% - Checking Winget installation >> %LOGFILE%
winget --version > nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Winget not detected. Attempting installation... >> %LOGFILE%
echo Installing Winget... >> %LOGFILE%
choco install winget -y -n
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install Winget >> %LOGFILE%
echo Please install Winget manually. >> %LOGFILE%
exit /B
) ELSE (
echo Winget is already installed. Checking for updates... >> %LOGFILE%
choco upgrade winget -y

:: Check and Install aria2c
echo %date% %time% - Checking aria2c installation >> %LOGFILE%
FOR /F "tokens=3" %%i in ('aria2c --version ^| findstr "aria2 version"') do set ARIA2C_VERSION=%%i
echo aria2c not detected. Installing... >> %LOGFILE%
choco install aria2 -y -n
) ELSE (
echo aria2c version: %ARIA2C_VERSION% already installed >> %LOGFILE%

:: Check and Install PowerShell Core
echo %date% %time% - Checking PowerShell Core installation >> %LOGFILE%
FOR /F "delims=" %%i in ('pwsh --version 2^>^&1') do set POWERSHELLCORE_VERSION=%%i
echo PowerShell Core not detected. Installing... >> %LOGFILE%
choco install powershell-core -y -n
) ELSE (
echo PowerShell Core version: %POWERSHELLCORE_VERSION% already installed >> %LOGFILE%
choco upgrade powershell-core -y -n

cls && goto CheckforPython3.11

echo Checking for Python in PATH... >> %LOGFILE%
set python_path=C:\Python311\python.exe
if exist "!python_path!" (
echo Found !python_path! >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" --version >> %LOGFILE%
goto Beginactualscriptcommands
) else (
echo Python 3.11.6 not found at expected location. >> %LOGFILE%
goto DownloadPython

echo %date% %time% - Attempting download using aria2... >> %LOGFILE%
aria2c.exe --disable-ipv6 -x 4 -o "python-3.11.6-amd64.exe" -d "C:\NexTool" --allow-overwrite=true ""
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
echo %date% %time% - Downloaded successfully with aria2 >> %LOGFILE%
endlocal && set "DOWNLOAD_RESULT=0"
goto InstallPython
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Failed to download with aria2. Trying PowerShell... >> %LOGFILE%
powershell.exe pwsh -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile 'C:\NexTool\python-3.11.6-amd64.exe'"
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
echo %date% %time% - Downloaded successfully with PowerShell >> %LOGFILE%
endlocal && set "DOWNLOAD_RESULT=0"
goto InstallPython
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Download failed with both methods >> %LOGFILE%
endlocal && set "DOWNLOAD_RESULT=1"
goto PythonDownloadCheck

echo %date% %time% - Installing Python 3.11.6... >> %LOGFILE%
C:\NexTool\python-3.11.6-amd64.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 TargetDir=C:\Python311
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
echo %date% %time% - Python 3.11.6 installed successfully >> %LOGFILE%
goto CheckforPython3.11
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Failed to install Python 3.11.6. Aborting... >> %LOGFILE%
goto PythonDownloadCheck

set PYTHON_INSTALLER_PATH=C:\NexTool\python-3.11.6-amd64.exe

if not exist "%PYTHON_INSTALLER_PATH%" (
echo %date% %time% - Python installer was not downloaded. Prompting user for options... >> %LOGFILE%
echo The Python 3.11.6 installer was not downloaded successfully.
echo 1. Open the download link in your default browser
echo 2. Attempt to automatically install Python again
echo 3. Exit script
set /p user_choice="Please select an option (1/2/3): "
if /i "%user_choice%"=="1" (
) else if /i "%user_choice%"=="2" (
goto DownloadPython
) else (
echo Exiting script...
exit /B
echo Please download and install Python manually if the auto-install option failed.
echo Make sure to install it to C:\Python311 and select all the options changing Python directory to C:\Python311 for the script to work.
goto CheckforPython3.11
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Creating a shortcut to the Python installer on the Desktop... >> %LOGFILE%
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "$WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell; $Shortcut = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut('$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Python 3.11.6 Installer.lnk'); $Shortcut.TargetPath = '%PYTHON_INSTALLER_PATH%'; $Shortcut.Save()"
echo %date% %time% - Shortcut created. >> %LOGFILE%
echo A shortcut to the Python installer has been placed on your desktop.
echo Please run it and select all default options for installation.

cls && goto VerifyPython3.11

echo Checking for Python in PATH... >> %LOGFILE%
set python_path=C:\Python311\python.exe
if exist "!python_path!" (
echo Found !python_path! >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" --version >> %LOGFILE%
goto Beginactualscriptcommands
) else (
echo Python 3.11.6 not found at expected location. >> %LOGFILE%
exit /B


echo Upgrading pip... >> %LOGFILE%

:: Try to download with aria2 first
echo %date% %time% - Attempting to download using aria2... >> %LOGFILE%
aria2c.exe --disable-ipv6 -x 4 -o "" -d "C:\NexTool" --allow-overwrite=true ""
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
echo %date% %time% - Downloaded successfully with aria2 >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Failed to download with aria2. Trying PowerShell... >> %LOGFILE%
powershell.exe pwsh -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile 'C:\NexTool\'"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo %date% %time% - Failed to download with both methods >> %LOGFILE%
echo Error: Failed to download Aborting... >> %LOGFILE%
exit /b
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Downloaded successfully with PowerShell >> %LOGFILE%

:: Upgrade pip using
echo %date% %time% - Upgrading pip... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" "C:\NexTool\"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo %date% %time% - Error: Failed to upgrade pip >> %LOGFILE%
echo Error: Failed to upgrade pip. Aborting... >> %LOGFILE%
exit /b
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Successfully upgraded pip >> %LOGFILE%

echo Installing/upgrading setuptools for Python 3.11... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install/upgrade setuptools >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo Success: setuptools installed/upgraded successfully >> %LOGFILE%

echo Installing/upgrading pyqt5-tools for Python 3.11... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" -m pip install --upgrade pyqt5-tools
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install/upgrade pyqt5-tools >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo Success: pyqt5-tools installed/upgraded successfully >> %LOGFILE%

echo Installing/upgrading PyQt5-stubs for Python 3.11... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" -m pip install --upgrade PyQt5-stubs
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install/upgrade PyQt5-stubs >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo Success: PyQt5-stubs installed/upgraded >> %LOGFILE%

echo Installing/upgrading pyqtgraph for Python 3.11... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" -m pip install --upgrade pyqtgraph
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install/upgrade pyqtgraph >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo Success: pyqtgraph installed/upgraded successfully >> %LOGFILE%

echo Installing/upgrading requests for Python 3.11... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" -m pip install --upgrade requests
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install/upgrade requests >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo Success: requests installed/upgraded successfully >> %LOGFILE%

echo Installing/upgrading psutil for Python 3.11... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" -m pip install --upgrade psutil
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install/upgrade psutil >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo Success: psutil installed/upgraded successfully >> %LOGFILE%

echo Installing/upgrading pywin32 for Python 3.11... >> %LOGFILE%
"!python_path!" -m pip install --upgrade pywin32
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error: Failed to install/upgrade pywin32 >> %LOGFILE%
) else (
echo Success: pywin32 installed/upgraded successfully >> %LOGFILE%


echo %date% %time% - Attempting download using aria2... >> %LOGFILE%
aria2c --disable-ipv6 -x 4 -o "" -d "C:\NexTool" --allow-overwrite=true ""
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
echo %date% %time% - Downloaded successfully with aria2 >> %LOGFILE%
endlocal && set "DOWNLOAD_RESULT=0"
goto LaunchNexTool
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Failed to download with aria2. Trying PowerShell... >> %LOGFILE%
pwsh -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile 'C:\NexTool\'"
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
echo %date% %time% - Downloaded successfully with PowerShell >> %LOGFILE%
endlocal && set "DOWNLOAD_RESULT=0"
) else (
echo %date% %time% - Download failed with both methods >> %LOGFILE%
endlocal && set "DOWNLOAD_RESULT=1"
goto LaunchNexTool

:: Run the chosen Python version for your script
if exist "C:/NexTool/" (
echo Launching
start /wait "" "!python_path!" "C:/NexTool/"
) else (
echo Failed to download

echo. >> %LOGFILE%
echo Installation Summary: >> %LOGFILE%
echo --------------------- >> %LOGFILE%
type %LOGFILE% | find "Failed" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo All installations were successful! >> %LOGFILE%
echo All installations were successful!
) else (
echo Some installations failed. Check the log for details. >> %LOGFILE%
echo Some installations failed. Check the log for details.


set /p user_input="Do you want to review the log? (yes/no): "
if /i "%user_input%"=="yes" (
start /wait notepad %LOGFILE%

echo Deleting contents of C:\Nex Tool...
for /R "C:\NexTool" %%i in (*) do (
del "%%i"
for /D %%i in (C:\NexTool\*) do (
rmdir /s /q "%%i"

echo Removing C:\NexTool directory...
rmdir "C:\NexTool"

echo Cleanup complete. Exiting script...
exit /B

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