This bundle provides commands for viewing, inspecting, and controlling EC2 instances on AWS, as well as related resources. To communicate with the AWS API we use the aws-sdk library written in Ruby. Permissions are used to control which users are authorized to run each command. Listing and searching for resources requires the ec2:read permission. Modifying the state or other values of a resource requires the ec2:write permission. And, creating a new instance requires the ec2:admin permission.
To view more information about the bundle and the documentation for each command use Cog's help command:
For bundle information:
help ec2
For specific command information:
help ec2:instance-create
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Requried ID of the access key used to authenticate with the AWS API
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Required secret of the access key used to authenticate with the AWS API
- AWS_REGION - Optional region used for all commands unless one is provided via the -r,--region flag
You can set these environment variables with Cog's dynamic config feature:
echo 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "WQ9b84VDvE5dJhs2SdOdEgO8ZpAIbuzBlb6ZCGkQ"' >> config.yaml
echo 'AWS_REGION: us-east-1' >> config.yaml
cogctl dynamic-config create ec2 config.yaml
When creating the access key for use with the following environment variables,
make sure the IAM user that owns the key has the AmazonEC2FullAccess
Build a new image:
VERSION=0.1.0 make build
Push a new image to DockerHub:
VERSION=0.1.0 make push
Cut a new release (build, push, and tag on GitHub):
VERSION=0.1.0 make release