Mainly based on kuka-isir/rtt_ati_sensor
Simple Orocos RTT wrapper for the ati_sensor library. It uses ROS to get parameters from the parameter server and ROS services to reset the bias.
- WrenchStamped (geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped): 6D data from the F/T sensor
- ip (string, default : : The ip of the sensor
- calibration_index (integer, default : -1 [current]): The calibration file to use
- frame (string, default : /ati_ft_link): The output frame for rviz visualization
- set_bias (std_msgs/Empty): Reset the software bias
- wrench (geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped): 6D data from the F/T sensor
Note : The sequence number is ft_sequence (see the official manual for more info)
The best way to launch the sensor is to first start a roscore and set the sensor's parameters :
# Set the sensor's ip address :
rosparam set /ft_sensor/ip ""
# (Optional) Set the calibration index you want to use (don't set for current calibration)
rosparam set /ft_sensor/calibration_index 1
Then you can launch the sensor using the deployer :
deployer -s $(rospack find rtt_ati_sensor)/scripts/ft_sensor.ops
Or in a launch file :
<arg name="ip" default=""/>
<node name="ft_sensor" pkg="rtt_ros" type="deployer" args="-s $(find rtt_ati_sensor)/scripts/ft_sensor.ops --" output="screen">
<param name="ip" value="$(arg ip)"/>
You'll have to set the parameters using rosparam (example using a launch file):
<rosparam ns="ft_sensor" subst_value="true">
calibration_index: -1 # -1 for current
frame: /ati_ft_link
And add the following lines to you ops script :
runScript(ros.find("rtt_ati_sensor") + "/scripts/ft_sensor.ops")
Two data reading mode are possible: User-based trigger and Event-based trigger
By default (no parameters given), User-based trigger is used with given periodicity
The data is queried at the rate of the component set in the setActivity command
- optional ft_sensor.sample_count = 1
- ft_sensor.read_mode = 0 for given periodicity
- or ft_sensor.read_mode = 3 to match the periodicity to the NetFT output rate.
The data is output at the rate of the NetFT output rate setting.
This mode should have the smallest delay in the data due to continuous reading.
- ft_sensor.sample_count = 0 (means infinite number of samples)
- ft_sensor.read_mode = 1 for current NetFT rate
- or ft_sensor.read_mode = 2 to set NetFT to given component period via setActivity (component period is then modified internally to 0.0).
Note, NetFT rate can only be values that 7000 / integer can reach (7000, 3500, 2333, 1750, 1400, 1167, 1000, ...)