This repository contains resources for training machine learning classifiers to predict the subreddit from which an arbitrary comment most likely originated.
Use of this repository requires a conda environment. To create one and install the project's package into it:
$ bash ./
can be run from anywhere, and will always install the prefixed environment./env
into the repository root.
To scrape new data, first ensure that a file enumerating your Reddit OAuth credentials
exists at ./sub_clf/meta/credentials.json
. The file must define the following fields:
"client_id": "...",
"client_secret": "...",
"user_agent": "..."
NOTE: See the PRAW documentation for instructions on how to complete these fields.
Once your credentials.json
is in place, to scrape new data from scratch using default
$ conda activate ./env
$ scrape
To see argumements useful for customing your data collection away from the default parameters:
$ scrape --help
NOTE: The scraped comments set will not be identical to the original data set. This is because new "top" and "hot" posts are always being added, while the number you can scrape from each category is capped at 1000. Regardless, the characteristics of all newly scraped comments should approximate the original data set, given the sheer volume of comments
will retrieve.
To preprocess your scraped data in preparation for feature extraction, first create a .yaml configuration file. Use the following example as a template:
Once created, run the preprocess
command and pass the path to your configuration file:
$ preprocess <path/to/config>
With many millions of records, preprocessing can incur extremely long runtimes. Should a job fail prematurely, you can effectively restart the preprocessing from where the job failed by adding the following field to your configuration file:
resume: true
Then rerun the above command.
To extract features from preprocessed data prior to training a model, first create a .yaml configuration file. Use the following example as a template:
Once created, run the extract
command and pass the path to your configuration file:
$ extract <path/to/config>
Currently under development...