At long last, a tagged release! There have been many changes since the V199 release!
Changes from V204 to V208:
- Updated help files
- Fixed some bugs in DBC code
- Added ability to read CANServer binary log files
- Support drag/drop files onto app icon
- Fixes to ISO-TP decoding
- Datagrid now can show signal names when doing DBC edits
- Added ability to set notch and expire intervals in sniffer
- Support for reading wireshark files
- Added preliminary support for lawicel devices (not great yet)
- UDS Scan window has been redone to make it more configurable
- Increased support for CAN-FD. It's not complete yet but some things support CAN-FD now
- Bisector window can now break frames along bus boundaries
- Graphing window can now respect bus number so the same ID but on multiple buses won't break things any longer.
Changes from V203 to V204:
- Now graphs of signals with DBC value tables will be annotated with the value strings and brackets
- The graphing window can be opened multiple times now with different graphs in each window
- Graphing of multiplexed signals should be correct now
- DBC signals are utilized if available in the Frame Data Analysis window to give more analysis
- The File Comparison window will now also use DBC signals to compare signal differences between the two sides. This is currently slow and poorly done. But, it works.
- PCAN version 1.3 files are now supported for loading
Changes from V201 to V203:
- Added ability to load Tesla AP Snapshots. How you would get those is up to you.
- Several bug fixes for file loading
- Huge changes to graphing interface to support many different visualization modes
- Ability to filter main CAN frame view by bus
- Support for extended multiplexing (in DBC files)
- Bug fixes for fuzzing window, overwrite mode
Changes from V199 to V201
- VERY large changes to DBC interface.
- Now loaded DBC files that were loaded when the program was exited will be loaded when it is restarted
- GMLAN filtering support
- The entire way the DBC file is presented is entirely new now. The DBC is presented as a treeview with icons
- It is now possible to search for DBC signals and messages by name and ID
- Help files are now just HTML files
- Bugfixes to a few different file format loads (CANAlyzer for one)
- Large changes and bug fixes to ISO-TP / UDS decoder. It actually works now.
- Backend is now more compatible with QCanBusFrame and potentially is better geared toward CAN-FD support (though CAN-FD is not supported properly yet)
- Added text boxes to Fuzzing window so the values can more easily be set and viewed
- Fixes for Sniffer Window
- Changed to logarithmic view for bit counts in Frame Details Window. This makes it far easier to see the distribution.
- Added a special CAN driver that allows for tunneling CAN traffic over MQTT back and forth to SavvyCAN