Builds a mappability BedGraph file for a given genome FASTA and read-length (bp).
The pipeline works by generating a new FASTA file for each kmer in the genome. It then will align these reads to the full genome and calculate how many times the read aligns perfectly to the genome. The mappability of the read is then calculated as 1/matches
. The mappability for a given position is the mean of the mappability for every read that spans that position. So, for example, if half of the reads covering a base have a score of 1.0, but the other half have a score of 0.5, then the mappability for that base will be 0.75.
The final output the then compressed into contiguous blocks of regions with the same score in a BedGraph file (see:
Alignment is handled by bwa
. Read generation and position annotation is handled by ngsutilsj. Custom python scripts are included (/bin
) for alignment filtering and scoring. cgpipe is used generate job scripts and optionally submit them to a batch scheduler.
There is an option for using a separate BWA index for the alignments. This options enables things like calculating mappability values for sex specific genomes without generating redundant FASTA reads.
See example for more details.
Requires: ngsutilsj, bwa, tabix, bgzip, cgpipe, gzip, rename
The pipeline is given as a cgpipe pipline with the following options (mappability.cgp
--fasta genome.fa Genome FASTA file
--size N Size of the reads to use (ex: 100, 150)
--name val Name of the genome (hg38, mm10, etc)
--outdir val Output directory (default to --name)
Output will be written to ${outdir}/${size}bp/${name}_${size}
--index genome.fa BWA indexed FASTA file (default to --fasta)
--chrom chr1,chr2... Comma separated list of chromosomes to include (by default uses all)
BWA options:
--threads N Threads to use
Example usage (
for size in 100 150; do
./mappability.cgp \
--outdir hg38 \
--name hg38M \
--fasta genomeM.fa \
--chrom chr1,chr2,chr3,chr4,chr5,chr6,chr7,chr8,chr9,chr10,chr11,chr12,chr13,chr14,chr15,chr16,chr17,chr18,chr19,chr20,chr21,chr22,chrX,chrY,chrM \
--size $size \
--threads 4
./mappability.cgp \
--outdir hg38 \
--name hg38F \
--fasta genomeM.fa \
--index genomeF.fa \
--chrom chr1,chr2,chr3,chr4,chr5,chr6,chr7,chr8,chr9,chr10,chr11,chr12,chr13,chr14,chr15,chr16,chr17,chr18,chr19,chr20,chr21,chr22,chrX,chrM \
--size $size \
--threads 4
Example output:
chr1 10000 10623 1.0
chr1 10623 10624 0.9966666666666667
chr1 10624 10625 0.9933333333333333
chr1 10625 10626 0.99
chr1 10626 10627 0.9866666666666667
chr1 10627 10628 0.9803921568627452
chr1 10628 10629 0.9741176470588235
chr1 10629 10630 0.967843137254902
chr1 10630 10631 0.9615686274509805
chr1 10631 10632 0.955294117647059
Data has been pre-calculated for a variety of fragment lengths for the reference human genome. These are available here: