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Free lightweight content management system for PHP and MySQL or SQLite


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Lightweight content management system with support for multilingual sites.


  • PHP 5.2+
  • MySQL 5.1+ or SQLite 3+
  • PDO driver enabled
  • web server like Apache, Nginx...


  1. Clone or download this repository to web server.
  2. Open web browser and navigate to install directory.
  3. Follow instructions on screen.


Some web servers require RewriteBase directive in .htaccess files. If you encounter HTTP 500 error or nice URLs don't work for you, then you should try to replace .htaccess contents with the following code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule (.+) index.php?go=$1 [L,QSA]

Key features

Own template system based on HTML comments

Conditional rendering:

<!-- IF feature_enabled -->
<ins>Feature enabled</ins>
<!-- ELSE -->
<del>Feature disabled</del>
<!-- END -->

Loops - variables inside are in scope:

<!-- START news -->
<h4>{title} {} {author}</h4>
<!-- STOP -->

Forms - no need to set value for checkbox, radio and select:

<form method="post" f3:array="news" f3:mode="isset">
  <input type="text" name="title" value="{news.title}">
  <textarea name="content">{news.content}</textarea>
  <input type="checkbox" name="enabled">
  <select name="is_important">

Content management

  • content types
    📑 articles
    💾 files
    🖼️ gallery (images, audio, video)
    🔗 links
    📆 news
  • own HTML and BBCode editor in JavaScript
  • separated admin panel from editor panel
  • unlimited levels of categories
  • tags and Web 2.0 tag cloud

Multiple languages support

  • content for all or specified language
  • home page selection for each language
  • automatic detection from Content-Language header

Social features

  • users and user groups
  • advanced permissions
  • private messages
  • Gravatar support
  • comments and stars
  • polls (with SVG pie chart)

Other features

  • nice URLs based on mod_rewrite or PATH_INFO
  • syntax highlighting by Google Code Prettify
  • anti-spam systems (Sblam, reCAPTCHA, Asirra)
  • plugins (guestbook, chat, bug tracker)
  • file manager
  • RSS channels


This project was started in 2005 inspired by other content management systems like jPortal, PHP-Fusion and Joomla! The main idea was to create a CMS that has low hardware requirements and works fast on free hostings.

Initial releases stored data in .php files so they did not need database. Version 2.0 switched to MySQL. The milestone was version 3.0 with rebuilt architecture, advanced template system and many new features.

As market expectations changed and minor content management systems lost the battle with the most popular ones and more specialized solutions, this project has been discontinued.

Year Version Major changes
2005 1.0 🟢 Initial version formely F3CMS
2005 1.1 🟢 Bug fixes
2005 1.2 🟢 Bug fixes
2005 1.3 🟢 Bug fixes
2006 1.4 🟢 File manager
🟢 Private messages
2006 2.0 🟢 Switch from files to MySQL
🟢 Search content and users
🟢 Database backup
🟢 User groups
2007 2.1 🟢 Events log
🟢 Emoticons
🟢 AJAX support
🟢 Auto-detecting browser language
🟢 New settings center
2009 3.0 🟢 Advanced template system
🟢 Fancy HTML/BBCode editor
🟢 One True Layout aka. Holy Grail
🟢 Switch from ISO-8859-2 to UTF-8
🟢 Separate admin and editor panel
🟢 SQLite support
🟢 RSS channels
2010 3.1 🟢 Nice URLS with mod_rewrite or PATH_INFO
🟢 Google reCAPTCHA™ and Microsoft Asirra
🟢 Syntax highlighting with Prettify
🟢 New user-friendly installer
🟢 Tags and Web 2.0 tag cloud
2011 3.2 🟢 New modern template
🟢 TinyMCE plugin (option)
🟢 Improved template system
2012 3.3 dev 🟡 Sblam! blacklist
🟡 SVG pie chart in polls
🟡 Gravatar support
🟡 Integrated breadcrumb with top menu
🔴 New security features
🔴 Re-design template system
🔴 Make main template responsive
🔴 Allow to mix content types
🔴 New home page module

Third-party libraries

  • Silk Icons
  • Function Icons
  • Google Code Prettify
  • Slimbox 2
  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • Microsoft Asirra
  • TinyMCE


  • Kamil881 (modern layout)
  • PanYeti (CyfroGraf)
  • jareQ
  • rafal
  • skygod
  • Fenek
  • Sh1moda
  • bolek12
  • Lavanos
  • BŁogi
  • DJ ProG
  • Ervil
  • mati1d
  • Petermechanic
  • RoboKomp


GPL version 3


This project is no more maintained since 2012 and will not receive security updates.