Welcome to the Internet End-to-End Scavenger Hunt!
In this git repository, you will find several clues. Each clue is ENCRYPTED with aes-128-cbc encryption.
Do decrypt the file, you will have to run the following command:
openssl aes-128-cbc -d -in "CLUE FILE"
openssl will ask you for a password, which is the answer to the previous clue.
There are two ways to win an exciting prize:
(1) The very last clue will tell you a secret phrase to tell Professor Sherry; the first team to find this clue wins.
(2) There are 6 rows on the chalkboard, each for the 6 clues. The first team to write down their team name and the command-line tool they used to solve the clue gets a point. The team with the most points at the end wins a prize as well. Note that your hint will help other teams work through the scavenger hunt too!