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Releases: concretecms-community-store/community_store

Version 2.6.5

05 Jun 08:40
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Bugfix release

  • various PHP8 fixes and code modenisations (thanks mlocati and mnakalay)
  • new payment logs handling (thanks mlocati)
  • minor interface improvements
  • now link translates headers and footers in emails
  • new opengraph meta tags for product pages (thanks mlocati)
  • ability to hide further product controls if not wanted (thanks mlocati)
  • automatic update of image titles (thanks mlocati)

Version 2.6.4

28 Feb 11:04
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  • Fix creating products with variations when "auto qty" is enabled (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix missing Order notes on checkout page
  • Allow filtering shipping methods by product groups (thanks mlocati)
  • Replace legacy address formatting with Concrete's built-in address formatting (address format now matches country)
  • Switch from magnific popup to photoswipe (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix to display of 'on sale' when changing variant thanks mlocati)
  • Multiple cleanups and optimisation (thanks mlocati)

Version 2.6.3

24 Jan 10:02
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Bugfix release:

  • Fix to order attributes (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix to order list in some filtering circumstances
  • Fix mixup of length, width and height when creating a shipping 'package
  • Neater display of multiple shipping options
  • Fix loading payment methods of uninstalled packages (thanks mlocati)
  • Better reflow of additional product images
  • Improvements to OrderList query (thanks mlocati)
  • Code clean up and minor BS5 fixes

Version 2.6.2

21 Nov 16:07
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Bugfix release:

  • Avoid concatenating localizable strings (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix to named parameters when filtering product lists in some circumstances
  • Adds a configurable option to automatically update quantities of products with variations (thanks mlocati)
  • Add option to send receipt email to alternative email on user account
  • Allow filtering products by featured/not featured (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix to product report search to be case insensitive (thanks JeffPaetkau)
  • Addition of breadcrumbs to dashboard pages (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix to cart modal or slide out Quantity Label Format
  • Discounts: show discounted price AND original price (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix lack of closing heading tag when creating product page
  • Fix to correctly respect thumbnail crop setting for product lists
  • Minor interface fixes/improvements

Version 2.6

05 Jul 20:18
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Important bugfix release for sites running on PHP8

  • fixes issue with guest checkout on PHP8
  • other PHP8 related fixes
  • translation related fixes
  • BS5 fixes and translation improvements
  • add new Sales Suspension feature and block
  • Community Store is now available on Packagist

Thank you to mlocati for his huge efforts on all of the above

Breaking change:

  • The 'Product Modal' function has been removed from Community Store due to existing issues and difficulty maintaining the feature.

Version 2.5.1

10 Jun 17:14
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This release contains bug fixes and modest changes.
However, there are some potentially breaking changes to checkout pages and payment methods, please see Important Notes below:

New Payment Methods:

  • This release supports the new Paypal Checkout payment method
  • The Stripe Elements payment method has also been reworked, to use the ‘Payment’ element, rather than just one that supports card payments alone. Stripe elements now effectively supports the same payment methods that are offered by Stripe Checkout.


  • PHP8 and Bootstrap 5 fixes
  • Fixes to utility links (thansk mdius)
  • Fix to Option List saving when no values selected (thanks danklassen)
  • Include order attributes in the CSV export (thanks danklassen)
  • Tidy of way registered assets linked (thanks danklassen)
  • Link and typo fixes, multiple fixes and code improvements (thanks mlocati)
  • Localization optimizations and fixes (thanks mlocati)
  • Fix to not being able to remove product options
  • Typo fixes (thanks SB1955)
  • Fix to Product Type Filter on filter block
  • Dashboard option to enable send purchase event (gtag), plus improvements to make more reliable
  • Fixes to tooltip on sales report, fix pagination, add order counts to totals
  • Fix to display of quantities in dashboard
  • Removal of defunct vendor directory from release

Important Notes:

This release includes some minor, but important changes to the checkout page to better support modern payment methods

If you are upgrading a site and have overridden either:

  • single_paages/checkout.php
  • js/communityStore.js
    you may need to compare your overridden files with the most recent versions, and implement some changes.

In particular, the payment methods are no longer loaded directly into the template, so you will need to remove this section:
And then include a placeholder div:

communityStore.js has a new function, plus a few other changes:

Additionally, it is advised to upgrade to the latest version available for any payment gateway that you are using:

  • Stripe Elements - Version 1.1
  • Stripe Checkout - Version 1.2
  • SumUp - 1.1
  • Authorize.Net - 1.1
  • Paypal Checkout - 0.9.5
  • Paypal Standard 1.2.3

If you are using Paypal Standard, it is recommend (but not essential) to swap to the newer Paypal Checkout payment method, which integrates directly into the checkout.

Other/older payment gateways should continue to work as before, but please test your integrations before deploying live.


17 Dec 15:23
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Bugfix release:

  • various PHP8 fixes
  • fixes to saving of attributes when no product types defined
  • addresses issue with saving variations checkbox


28 Nov 00:38
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  • Includes ability to filter product lists by product type
  • PHP8 fixes


15 Nov 15:54
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New Features

  • Addition of 'Product Types', which allows sets of attributes to be associated with a type, and a type assigned to a product. Then, the attributes displayed against a product for editing are restricted to those in the type's sets. Options to label attributes differently, as well as mark as private (useful when fetching for front-end display)
  • Config option to not offer all attributes against a product when no product type is selected (useful for large attribute lists)

Bug fixes

  • PHP8 and Concrete V9 bugfixes
  • Fix for wrong tax calculation when order discounted to 0
  • Fixes to product filter block


30 Oct 16:39
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  • Fix issue with warning message when adding to the cart appearing when no warning required
  • Make utility links and cart modal always use subtotal (instead of trying to sometimes add taxes)
  • Add cache buster to prevent some cart related responses from caching