Backend service for IMAP/SMTP email messaging.
conjoon/lumen-app-email is a standalone PHP🐘 application built with Lumen. It provides a backend for Email messaging according to and serves endpoints for reading, writing and sending email messages with IMAP/SMTP.
lumen-app-email has minimal footprint and is easy to install.
$ composer create-project conjoon/lumen-app-email htdocs "1.*"
Please refer to the official documentation of lumen-app-email for further information on installation and configuration.
lumen-app-email follows a service oriented approach. Services are easily replaceable with the help of upfront DI configurations and related bindings.
Use lumen-app-email, if you...
- need a fully functional middleware for communicating with IMAP / SMTP servers
- want to provide webmail solutions with various authentication methods, such as
- domain-specific sign-in to IMAP accounts, orchestrated by the server
- connecting to IMAP accounts solely configured by the users
- are looking for an email messaging solution with minimal footprint that's easy to distribute
- require a headless, service oriented standalone application in your infrastructure that can also be run frontend agnostic
# Return a list of available MailAccounts for the requesting client
GET /MailAccounts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic Y29uam9vbjpIZWxsb1dvcmxk
Host: hostname
# Return the envelope data of the first 50 MessageItems w/o previewText of the INBOX mailbox
# for the MailAccount identified by "gmail"
GET /MailAccounts/gmail/MailFolders/INBOX/MessageItems?start=0&limit=50&attributes=*,previewText HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic Y29uam9vbjpIZWxsb1dvcmxk
Host: hostname
# Return the email identified with the uid 4356 of the INBOX mailbox for the MailAccount identified by "gmail"
GET /MailAccounts/gmail/MailFolders/INBOX/MessageItems/4356 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic Y29uam9vbjpIZWxsb1dvcmxk
Host: hostname
For the list of endpoints this service provides, please refer to the
OpenApi-documentation of rest-api-email
, available as OpenAPI documentation at
The official documentation can be found at the project page for conjoon. This documentation is in line with the offical project page.
lumen-app-email is a work in progress. We are constantly improving the API and strive for a RESTful implementation. You can follow us on Github for updates related to this and other related projects.
As of v1.0.1, php-lib-conjoon no longer requires Composer 1.* for installation. For Composer 2.*-compatibility, php-lib-conjoon relies on the following private composer package repository:
This repository is mentioned in THIS package's composer.json This repository is also mentioned in the composer.json-file of horde/horde_deployment.