The gRPC server is written in ruby, and can be ran from the main directory, ruby ./server.rb
. This starts a gRPC server on port 50051
class CacheHubServer
class << self
def start
def start_grpc_server
puts 'cache hub server up'
@server =
@server.add_http2_port('', :this_port_is_insecure)
There are currently only 2 methods defined in the cache.proto
- Used for basic health check on the server
- Used as the main file transfer stream method
service CacheHub {
rpc GetStatus(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse) {}
rpc Upload(stream Chunk) returns (UploadStatus) {}
The gRPC client in written in Go, and can be found in /golang_client/
. You can interact with the client from the command line:
> go run client.go -h
-a string
action to preform. status, get, store
-f string
file name
exit status 2
> go run client.go -a=store -f=/path/to/file/myfile.pdf
go run client.go -a=get -f=myfile.pdf
File Location: /tmp/myfile.pdf -- md5: 61e4b830ec5baea0fa9ff430e8ddcfa7%
Note: this returns a file path location from the local system, for learning purposes only.
TODO: Documentation
To generate go client files:
protoc -I ../protos ../protos/cache.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:cache
To generate ruby server files:
grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I protos --ruby_out=lib --grpc_out=lib protos/cache.proto
To start ruby gRPC server:
ruby ./server.rb