The enumeration of celestial bodies supported by Astronomy Engine.
Mercury The planet Mercury. |
Venus The planet Venus. |
Earth The planet Earth. |
Mars The planet Mars. |
Jupiter The planet Jupiter. |
Saturn The planet Saturn. |
Uranus The planet Uranus. |
Neptune The planet Neptune. |
Pluto The planet Pluto. |
Sun The Sun. |
Moon The Earth's natural satellite, the Moon. |
EMB The Earth/Moon Barycenter. |
SSB The Solar System Barycenter. |
Star1 Star1(null, null) User-defined star 1. |
Star2 Star2(null, null) User-defined star 2. |
Star3 Star3(null, null) User-defined star 3. |
Star4 Star4(null, null) User-defined star 4. |
Star5 Star5(null, null) User-defined star 5. |
Star6 Star6(null, null) User-defined star 6. |
Star7 Star7(null, null) User-defined star 7. |
Star8 Star8(null, null) User-defined star 8. |