data class LibrationInfo(elat: Double, elon: Double, mlat: Double, mlon: Double, distanceKm: Double, diamDeg: Double)
Lunar libration angles, returned by libration.
LibrationInfo fun LibrationInfo(elat: Double, elon: Double, mlat: Double, mlon: Double, distanceKm: Double, diamDeg: Double) |
Name | Summary |
diamDeg val diamDeg: Double The apparent angular diameter of the Moon, in degrees, as seen from the center of the Earth. |
distanceKm val distanceKm: Double Distance between the centers of the Earth and Moon in kilometers. |
elat val elat: Double Sub-Earth libration ecliptic latitude angle, in degrees. |
elon val elon: Double Sub-Earth libration ecliptic longitude angle, in degrees. |
mlat val mlat: Double Moon's geocentric ecliptic latitude. |
mlon val mlon: Double Moon's geocentric ecliptic longitude. |