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SSCM is the name for the genome-wide mutation score developed at Counsyl by Sharad Vikram, Matt Rasmussen, Eric Evans, and Imran Haque. See the preprint at

Getting Started

First clone this repo, create a virtualenv for this repository, and jump into the virtualenv.

$ git clone [email protected]:counsyl/sscm.git
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Then, install the requirements.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

You're now ready to start training models! You can try, which will grab the data set used in the paper and build a model.

Choosing a Model

The model used in the manuscript is included in models/multiencode-full3/em.model. If you would like to build your own model, see the details below.

Input Data and Features

The input(s) to the training should be tab-delimited files, where each row represents a mutation and columns are features for that mutation. If a feature isn't present for the mutation, leave it as 'NA'. Typically, one TSV file will be for clustering (the simulated data, that is), and the other will be the known benign data.

The first step is to create a JSON file specifying exactly what features exist in your TSV files and how the algorithm should treat them. Let's call this features.json.


The first field to add is columns, which is just a list of the names you want to give each of the columns in your TSV file. The length of this list should be the same as the number of columns in your files.

    "columns": [ "verPhyloP", "verPhCons", ... ]

The names that you put in the columns attribute will be used in the next attribute you add to features.json, which is features. features is a mapping between the name you give a feature that you are interested in using while training, and the following information:

  • "feature": the type of feature it is ("scalar", "vector")
  • "column" or "columns": the name of the column(s) in the file it corresponds to
  • "type": the type of values you will see for that feature("float", "string", or "int"),
  • "distribution": the distribution you want the model to assume that feature has

Feature types supported:

  • "scalar"
  • "vector"

Feature values supported:

  • "float"
  • "string"
  • "int"

Feature distributions supported:

  • "Gaussian"
  • "Multinomial"
  • "MultivariateGaussian" (for vector only)

An example features.json would look like this:

    "columns": [ "verPhyloP", "verPhCons", ... ],
    "features": {
        "verPhyloP": {
            "feature": "scalar",
            "column": "verPhyloP",
            "type": "float",
            "distribution": "Gaussian"
        "Consequence": {
            "feature": "scalar",
            "column": "Consequence",
            "type": "str",
            "distribution": "Multinomial"
        "Conservation": {
            "feature": "vector",
            "columns": ["GerpS", "verPhCons", "priPhCons"],
            "type": "float",
            "distribution": "MultivariateGaussian"

Every name in the column and columns property of each feature needs to correspond to name in the global columns attribute.

For a full blown features.json look at sscm/data/features.json.


To train you want to use the bin/ script.

Basic usage

The script takes in the two TSV files (simulated and known benign) in the --train and the --fit arguments respectively. You'll also need to specify the features you want this model to train on in the --features argument, which should be a list of keys from the features in your JSON file. Finally, you need to specify the name of the model you're training. Make sure features.json is in your current directory, or you can override the --feature_file argument to point to where it is.

Example usage:

$ bin/ first_model --train sim.raw --fit benign.raw --features verPhyloP verPhCons Consequence

After training, the model will be saved by default in the models/ directory but this can also be overridden by specifying --models_dir.

Please look at the script's usage for a more complete description:

$ bin/ -h


To generate scores for mutations, use bin/

Basic usage

This script takes in rows from a TSV file from stdin that should contain the exact same features as your training files. It'll add a column to the end that contains the particular model's score for that mutation and write the annotated file to stdout. All you need to do is enter the model's name and it'll find the model from the models/ directory.

Example usage:

$ bin/ first_model < test.raw > test-annotated.raw

Please look at it's usage for a more complete description.

$ bin/ -h