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Servyrun allows you to run simple SSH & SFTP commands, do pings between your servers, download, upload & edit files, view database tables and column structures

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Welcome to Servyrun

What is Servyrun?

Servyrun is a self-hosted web application built with React JS + Tailwind CSS for the frontend and the backend of PHP Laravel. Servyrun allows you to run basic SSH & SFTP commands, do network pings between your servers, download, upload & edit files, view database tables and column structures and run MySQLdump.

Servyrun should not be used as your main connection to your servers but rather an easy method to monitor, be informed and do small tasks all through the web panel rather than an SSH client.

Servyrun was developed to be a multi-user platform, stores passwords encrypted and has an extensive API.

Demo website (read only functions enabled)

The full features of Servyrun as of September 2023:

  • Store Server information
  • Store SSH keys
  • Run SSH commands
  • View server usage (CPU, RAM, Disk and Network)
  • Store commands
  • Store command outputs
  • Print command outputs to PDF
  • Check if IP address is up
  • Ping IP from any added server
  • Store IP addresses and get information (GEO, ASN etc).
  • Store SFTP connections.
  • Download files through SFTP.
  • Upload files through SFTP.
  • View files through SFTP.
  • Move files between SFTP connections.
  • Edit (smaller) files.
  • Store/View information about databases, tables and columns.
  • Create and run MySQL dump.
  • MySQL and SQLite compatible


  • Chart for pings between 2 servers

External services

Programs needed for features

  • vnstat is used for network usage information.


Servers index page

Connection run command page

Server page

Database table structure page

Network usage chart

Server usage chart

API documentation Contents

  1. Information
  2. Servers
  3. Connections
  4. Keys
  5. SFTP
  6. Database Connections
  7. Databases
  8. Database tables
  9. Database table Columns
  10. IP addresses
  11. Pings
  12. Ping groups
  13. Commands
  14. Command groups
  15. Logs
  16. MySQLdump
  17. Downloaded
  18. Locations


Get your API token from your profile page: /profile

Your API token must be included in each request header as 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN'

'Accept: application/json' and 'Content-Type: application/json' are required for requests.

Pagination in use for calls that could return a large amount of results e.g 'index' calls

You can specify a page by using page=X You can change the amount returned in results with per_page=50

    "current_page": 2,
    "data": [
        //Good stuff in here
    "first_page_url": "https:\/\/\/api\/servers?page=1",
    "from": null,
    "last_page": 1,
    "last_page_url": "http:\/\/\/api\/servers?page=1",
    "links": [
            "url": "http:\/\/\/api\/servers?page=1",
            "label": "« Previous",
            "active": false
            "url": "http:\/\/\/api\/servers?page=1",
            "label": "1",
            "active": false
            "url": null,
            "label": "Next »",
            "active": false
    "next_page_url": null,
    "path": "https:\/\/\/api\/servers",
    "per_page": 20,
    "prev_page_url": "https:\/\/\/api\/servers?page=1",
    "to": null,
    "total": 1


Server API calls

Get all servers

GET /servers/

Get a server with IPs, location, type and connection

GET /servers/{Server}

Get a server with its pings

GET /servers/{Server}/pings

Get a server with its command outputs

GET /servers/{Server}/commands

Get servers SSH IP

GET /servers/{Server}/ip

Get Servers edit/create parameters

GET /servers/help

Update a server

PATCH /servers/{Server}

An example body to update a server:

    "title": "Lets change the title",
    "ping_port": 123,
    "hostname": ""

Create a server

POST /servers/

'hostname' is the only required parameter

An example body to create a server:

    "title": "SYD-1C-2GB-30GB",
    "hostname": "",
    "type_id": 1,
    "cpu_cores": 1,
    "cpu_freq": 3.1,
    "ram_gb": 2,
    "disk_gb": 30,
    "ping_port": 80

Destroy a server

DELETE /servers/{Server}



Connection API calls

Get all connections

GET /connections/

Get a connections with server and key

GET /connections/{connection}

Get connection edit/create parameters

GET /connections/help

Update a connection

PATCH /connections/{connection}

Create a connection

POST /connections/

An example body to create a password connection for a server:

    "server_id": "ABCD1234",
    "username": "root",
    "password": "thePasswordGoesHere"

An example body to create a key password connection for a server:

    "server_id": "ABCD1234",
    "key_id": "qwerty12",
    "username": "root",
    "password": "thePasswordGoesHere"

Destroy a connection

DELETE /connections/{connection}

Run a command with a connection

POST /connections/{connection}/run

An example body to run a command:

    "command": "df -h"

An example body to run a command and get email notification:

    "command": "df -h",
    "email": true



Keys API calls

Get all keys

GET /keys/

Get a key with its connection

GET /keys/{key}

Upload and create a key

POST /keys

An example for uploading a key file:

--location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer JN7tXwInJVwix3a8FlGLDdILHlSqRcC2oSIdDmPsdFWqD6oLcGgFz74FISSaWENA' \
--form 'file=@"/C:/thekey.private.ppk"'

Update a keys password

PATCH /keys/{key}

You can only pass the parameter password! Leave as empty quotes for no password.

    "password": "thekeyspasswordgoeshere"

Destroy a key

DELETE /keys/{key}



SFTP connections API calls

Get all SFTP connections

GET /sftp/

Get a SFTP connection with its server and key

GET /sftp/{sftpConnection}

Get SFTP connection edit/create parameters

GET /sftp/help

Update a SFTP connection

PATCH /sftp/{sftpConnection}

    "username": "jim",
    "password": "thisgetsencryptedanyway",
    "port": 44

Create a SFTP connection

POST /sftp/

SFTP must have a server to be attached to!

    "server_id": "HwCV0NMW",
    "username": "user",
    "password": "thisgetsencryptedanyway",
    "port": 22

SFTP with a key connection

    "server_id": "HwCV0NMW",
    "key_id": "abcd1234",
    "username": "user",
    "port": 22

Destroy a SFTP connection

DELETE /sftp/{sftpConnection}

Database connections


Database connections API calls

Get all Database connections

GET /db/connection/

Get a database connections with server and key

GET /db/connection/{databaseConnection}

Get database connection edit/create parameters

GET /db/connection/help

Update a database connection

PATCH /db/connection/{databaseConnection}

    "title": "changed title"

Create a database connection

POST /db/connections/

    "host": "",
    "title": "a title",
    "username": "user",
    "password": "getsencrypted",
    "port": 3306

Destroy a database connection

DELETE /db/connections/{databaseConnection}

Refresh a database connection to re-fetch database, tables and columns

GET /db/connection/{databaseConnection}/refresh

Fetches and returns databases for this connection

GET /db/connection/{databaseConnection}/databases


~ Note these database calls are read only and do not execute queries i.e deleting a table just removes it from this local database.

Database API calls

Get all Databases

GET /db/

Get a individual database

GET /db/{database}

Get a database with tables

GET /db/{database}/tables

Destroy a database

DELETE /db/{database}

Database tables

Get a database table

GET /db/table/{databaseTable}

Get a database table columns

GET /db/table/{databaseTable}/columns

Destroy a table

DELETE /db/table/{databaseTable}

Run a query on a table

POST /db/table/{databaseTable}/query

The validation will only allow the columns to be those found in the table.

An example body to run a query, required fields only:

    "column1": "id",
    "condition1": ">",
    "value1": "500"

An example body to run a query, required and optional fields:

    "column1": "id",
    "condition1": ">",
    "value1": "500",
    "column2": "id",
    "condition2": "<",
    "value2": "1000",
    "order": "score",
    "order_direction": "desc",
    "limit": 20

Database table columns

Get a column

GET /db/column/{databaseTableColumn}

Destroy a column

DELETE /db/column/{databaseTableColumn}

IP addresses


Ip address API calls

Get all Ip addresses

GET /ips/

Get an Ip address with its server

GET /ips/{ipAddress}

Get Ip address edit/create parameters

GET /ips/help

Update an Ip address

PATCH /ips/{ipAddress}

Create an Ip address

POST /ips/

An example body to create an IP for a server:

    "server_id": "VtkBfSnG",
    "ip": "",
    "is_main": 1,
    "is_ssh": 1

Fetch & update GEO data for an IP address

POST /ips/{ipAddress}/geo

Destroy an Ip address

DELETE /ips/{ipAddress}



Ping API calls

Get all pings

GET /pings/

Get a specific ping with its relations

GET /pings/{ping}

Destroy a ping

DELETE /pings/{ping}

Ping groups

Ping groups API calls

Get all ping groups

GET /ping-groups/

Get a ping group with relations (assigned & servers)

GET /ping-groups/{pingGroup}

Update a ping group

PATCH /ping-groups/{pingGroup}

Create a ping group

POST /ping-groups/

Destroy a ping group

DELETE /ping-groups/{pingGroup}

Add server to ping group

POST /ping-groups/{pingGroup}/add/{server}

Remove server from ping group

DELETE /ping-groups/{pingGroup}/remove/{server}


Commands API calls

Get all commands

GET /commands/

Get an command

GET /commands/{command}

Update a command

PATCH /commands/{command}

Create a command

POST /commands/

An example body to create a command:

    "title": "Get storage info",
    "command": "df -h"

Destroy a command

DELETE /commands/{command}

Command groups

Command groups API calls

Get all command groups

GET /command-groups/

Get a command group with relations

GET /command-groups/{commandGroup}

Update a command group

PATCH /command-groups/{commandGroup}

Create a command group

POST /command-groups/

Destroy a command group

DELETE /command-groups/{commandGroup}

Add connection to command group

POST /command-groups/{commandGroup}/add/{connection}

Remove connection from command group

DELETE /command-groups/{commandGroup}/remove/{connection}


Action logs API calls

Get all logs

GET /logs/

Get a single log with its relations

GET /logs/{actionLog}


Get all MySQL dumps

GET /mysqldumps/

Get a MySQL dump with its relations

GET /mysqldumps/{mySQLDump}

Run a MySQL dump

GET /mysqldumps/{mySQLDump}/run

Get MySQL dump edit/create parameters

GET /mysqldumps/help

Update a MySQL dump

PATCH /mysqldumps/{mySQLDump}

Create a MySQL dump

POST /mysqldumps/

Destroy a MySQL dump

DELETE /mysqldumps/{mySQLDump}

Downloaded files

Downloaded files API calls

Get all downloaded files

GET /downloaded/

Get a downloaded file information

GET /downloaded/{downloadedFile}

Upload a downloaded file to a SFTP connection

GET /downloaded/{downloadedFile}/{sftpConnection}

    "save_as": "/animals/mouse.jpg"

Destroy a downloaded file

DELETE /downloaded/{downloadedFile}


Note: Servyrun comes with default locations that cannot be updated/deleted by users. Only Locations created by the user can be updated/deleted by them.

Location API calls

Get all servers

GET /locations/

Get a server with IPs, location, type and connection

GET /locations/{Location}

Update a location

PATCH /locations/{Location}

An example body to update a server:

    "city": "Beach side",
    "country": "Island"

Create a location

POST /locations/

'country' is the only required parameter

An example body to create a server:

    "city": "Beach side",
    "country": "Island"

Destroy a location

DELETE /locations/{Location}


Servyrun is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.