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serviceX Market Skeleton Node.js

API docs


We create reference implementation to minimize our partner's development workload. This repository is for Markets to integrate serviceX with Node.js. This repository is more comprehensive to deal with secure data sharing so if you are interested in BNPL and not going to share your proprietary data through serviceX, then you should check out

Here is the integration guide reference. We need several API endpoints to complete the serviceX integration. That being said, by using this skeleton service, you can get it done right away!

How to use

  1. Set up your organization account on our dashboard webapp and follow this onboarding guideline.
  2. Fork this repository and clone the forked one to your machine.
$ git clone
$ cd serviceX-market-skeleton-nodejs
  1. Set up your .env providing the properties you get on the dashboard (in step 1).
$ cp .env.sample .env
# and edit the .env
  • DATABASE_NAME (Optional)
    • Your database name
  • DATABASE_USER (Optional)
    • Your database username
    • Your database password
  • DATABASE_PORT (Optional)
    • Your database port
  • MODE (Mandatory)
    • Either sandbox or production, depending on deployment environment.
  • PORT (Optional)
    • Port to expose the server.
    • Default is 8000
  • APP_ID (Mandatory)
    • Organization ID. Please find it at Dashboard - Settings > General Information > Organization ID.
  • APP_SIGNING_KEY (Mandatory)
    • Signing key used to generate signatures. Please find it at Dashboard - Settings > Developer Page > Common > Show Signing Private Key.
    • This is a main body of private key that excludes -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY-----.
  • APP_API_KEY (Mandatory)
    • API key that specify scopes of Credify's API calls. Please generate it at Dashboard - Settings > API Keys > Generate New API Key. This service needs all the scopes you can enable.
    • Redirect URL registered with Credify when applying for Service Provider role.
    • Required only for Service Provider
    • Comma-delimitered list of requested scopes when applying for Service Provider role.
    • Required only for Service Provider
    • Basic profile that Market can provide.
    • Required only for Market

Now, you can run docker-compose run if you use Docker. docker-compose.yml contains DB user/password information.

  1. Create your database and configure database connection. This service uses PostgreSQL as default database, so if you use PostgreSQL, just add your connection DATABASE_NAME=.... in your .env. If you want to test how it works, please run PostgreSQL in your machine with a new database ($ createdb skeleton_nodejs) and proceed with the next steps. Or else you can use docker-compose run, which comes with PostgreSQL.

If you use docker-compose, this step and the following steps (step 4~6) are not necessary.

# Run PostgreSQL
$ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

# You see database list
$ psql -l

# Create a new database
$ createdb skeleton_nodejs

# Now you should see `skeleton_nodejs`
$ psql -l
  1. Migrate the database and add seed data if you follow the default implementation with PostgreSQL.
$ yarn db:setup
$ yarn db:seed:all
  1. Start the server
# For development with hot-reload
$ yarn dev

# For just running the server
$ yarn start

We have Dockerfile in case you want to build a docker image.

How to customize

This repository is ready for you to integrate serviceX out-of-the-box. All you have to do is to complete the implementation of dataInteraction/index.js, provided you work on the market integration. Please do not edit function parameters.

  • If you deploy this repository to contain your end-user data
    • You will need to sync this service with your main service regarding the end-user data.
  • If you deploy this repository without end-user data
    • You will need to add a user data fetching mechanism.

db in the code is a Database object that is instantiated in app.js. This can be MongoDB instance, PosgreSQL connection, etc. If you do not use a DB in this server, you would need to call API instead of using db in the file. In this case, you will not have to instantiate db object (db will be undefined).

How to test

This repository has integration test with Jest and SuperTest.

You will need to edit testConfig.js. If you need a test user (TEST_CREDIFY_ID), please let us know.

$ yarn test

[DEPRECATED] How to deploy on Heroku

$ git push heroku main

The default setting uses PostgreSQL. You can enable it on Heroku dashboard. If the database does not connect to Heroku remote DB well, please check database/config/config.js.

To sync with your .env, please do the following

$ heroku plugins:install heroku-config
$ heroku config:push