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Releases: crowdproj/kotlin-cor

0.6.0 Configuration transferring to workers

20 Apr 11:38
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Ability to provide initialization settings to CoR is added. So, we now able to do something like:

val settings = MySettings(
    myArg = "My Value"
val chain = rootChain<MyContext, MySettings>(settings) {
fun ICorAddDsl<MyContext, MySettings>.someWorker = worker {
    // This is initialization stage
    val myArg = this.config.myArg
    handle {
        // This is runtime stage
        printlin("Here we use myArg: $myArg")

0.5.7 Deployment to Maven Central fixation

26 Sep 04:28
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Deployment to Maven Central fixation

0.5.6 Versions update, ARM64 platform is added

25 Sep 13:21
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Gradle rollback to 7.6.2 due to Apple platforms problem

0.5.5 Bug Fix

05 Oct 05:34
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#8 Fix for disordered workers execution in subChain,

fix ci/cd pipeline, fix test

0.5.4 - Publication in Maven Central

20 Aug 07:39
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Fix password commas in build script

0.5.0 Structural refactoring. Compatibility is broken!

08 Aug 06:52
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  1. Interface structure is refactored that broke compatibility with previous releases
  2. SubChain handler is added that allows creation of subchains over streams of data

0.4.1 Update dependencies, extra platforms

03 Jul 13:27
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Dependency updates, additional platforms: Fix: unsupported platforms …

…are removed back

0.4.0 - Dependencies update

03 Jul 13:16
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The dependencies are updated. New platforms are supported

0.3.1 Build Fixes

29 May 12:42
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Build Fixes

0.3.0 Update Kotlin version

29 May 12:14
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Kotlin version is updated to 1.6.21. Coroutines version is now 1.6.2