is a Python-based CLI Control Panel for Digital Ocean.
speedboat relies on the requests
# if requests is not installed:
# sudo easy_install pip
# sudo pip install requests
git clone https://github.com/crylico/speedboat.git
cd speedboat && cp speedboat /usr/local/bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/speedboat
Setup speedboat - speedboat setup
You can get your Client and API keys here.
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$ speedboat setup
Speedboat - the Digital Ocean CLI
Digital Ocean API Credentials
Enter your client key:
Enter your api key:
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$
List All Droplets - speedboat drops
List All Regions - speedboat regions
List All Sizes - speedboat sizes
List All SSH Keys - speedboat keys
List Private Images - speedboat images
List Global Images - speedboat images global
List All Images - speedboat images all
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$ speedboat drops
Speedboat - the Digital Ocean CLI
kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1332093
dev.kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1380768
vpn.kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1380771
server.kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1380772
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$ speedboat sizes
Speedboat - the Digital Ocean CLI
ID: 66 - 512MB
ID: 63 - 1GB
ID: 62 - 2GB
ID: 64 - 4GB
ID: 65 - 8GB
ID: 61 - 16GB
ID: 60 - 32GB
ID: 70 - 48GB
ID: 69 - 64GB
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$
Create New Droplet - speedboat new
Restart - speedboat restart <name>
Power Cycle - speedboat cycle <name>
Shutdown - speedboat shut <name>
Power Off - speedboat off <name>
Power On - speedboat on <name>
Snapshot - speedboat snap <name>
Print Info - speedboat info <name>
Resize - speedboat resize <name>
Destroy - speedboat destroy <name>
<name> argument is optional, except for the destroy command
###Without <name>
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$ speedboat restart
Speedboat - the Digital Ocean CLI
(0) kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1332093
(1) dev.kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1380768
(2) vpn.kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1380771
(3) server.kylelevin.com - ip: - status: active - region: 1 - id: 1380772
(x) Cancel
Which droplet would you like to restart? 2
Restarting vpn.kylelevin.com...
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$
###With <name>
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$ speedboat restart dev
Speedboat - the Digital Ocean CLI
Restarting dev.kylelevin.com...
kyles-mbp:~ kyle$
kyles-mbp:speedboat kyle$ speedboat help
Speedboat - the Digital Ocean CLI
List Digital Ocean Information
List all Droplets - speedboat drops
List All Regions - speedboat regions
List All Sizes - speedboat sizes
List All SSH Keys - speedboat keys
List Private Images - speedboat images
List Global Images - speedboat images global
List All Images - speedboat images all
List of Droplet Commands
Create New Droplet - speedboat new
Restart - speedboat restart <name>
Power Cycle - speedboat cycle <name>
Shutdown - speedboat shut <name>
Power Off - speedboat off <name>
Power On - speedboat on <name>
Snapshot - speedboat snap <name>
Print Info - speedboat info <name>
Resize - speedboat resize <name>
Destroy - speedboat destroy <name>
kyles-mbp:speedboat kyle$