Bring presentation mode to VS Code.
Workspace customizations to take effect when presentation mode is on:
"": {
"commands": [
"editor.fontSize": 16,
"editor.matchBrackets": "never",
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"editor.scrollbar.verticalScrollbarSize": 0,
"workbench.activityBar.visible": false,
"workbench.statusBar.visible": false,
"workbench.colorTheme": "GitHub Dark Default",
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[GitHub Dark Default]": {
"activityBar.background": "#000",
"editor.background": "#000",
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#0000",
"editor.lineHighlightBorder": "#0000",
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "#59A5FC",
"panel.background": "#000",
"sideBar.background": "#000",
"terminal.background": "#000"
"[GitHub Light Default]": {
"activityBar.background": "#fff",
"editor.background": "#fff",
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#fff0",
"editor.lineHighlightBorder": "#fff0",
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "#1167D7",
"panel.background": "#fff",
"sideBar.background": "#fff",
"terminal.background": "#fff"
"window.zoomLevel": 2
Workspace commands to execute when presentation mode is off:
"presentation-mode.inactive": {
"commands": [
This is useful and necessary because some workspace UI states/behaviors can not be easily monitored and controlled via workspace settings. Specifying commands to be executed when presentation mode is toggled ensures the workspace layout is deterministically restored.
If the command-line tool Visual Studio Code Extensions
is not installed, run this command to install vsce
npm install -g vsce
Install all npm dependencies, package extension, and install:
npm install
vsce package
code --install-extension presentation-mode-0.0.1.vsix