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Reliable interpretability of biology-inspired deep neural networks


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Reliable interpretability of biology-inspired deep neural networks


This code supplements the publication by Esser-Skala and Fortelny (2023).


(Not all of these folders are included in the git repository.)

  • data: output files generated by P-NET and DTox (available from
  • doc: project documentation
  • docker: files for creating Docker containers with P-NET or DTox installed
  • literature: relevant publications
  • plots: generated plots
  • pnet_data: P-NET data files
  • renv: R environment data
  • scripts: bash and R scripts


P-NET and DTox

Download the provided Docker containers from the GitHub Container registry:

docker pull
docker pull

Alternatively, pull these containers with Apptainer/Singularity:

singularity pull docker://
singularity pull docker://

When using the latter container format, replace all calls to run_[pnet/dtox] with run_[pnet/dtox]


In order to run the R scripts, you will need one of the following:

  • an installation of R 4.3.1; restore required packages from renv.lock via

    Rscript -e "renv::restore()"`
  • the Docker container available from the GitHub Container registry:

    docker pull

    Replace calls to Rscript below by scripts/

  • the Apptainer/Singularity container:

    singularity pull docker://

    Replace calls to Rscript below by scripts/


Download the MSK-IMPACT 2017 dataset:

tar xzf msk_impact_2017.tar.gz -C pnet_data

Run P-NET experiments

Generally, each experiment comprises the following steps:

  1. Load P-NET input data via load_data_[dataset].R.
  2. Optionally, modify input data via modify_data_[technique].R.
  3. Run P-NET via Docker using the provided bash script This script has three arguments:
  • -e experiment: experiment name, required
  • -l [n]: lower seed, optional (default: -1, which uses the original seeds)
  • -u [n]: upper seed, optional (default: 49)

Within each experiment, results from each run are saved in a subfolder indicating the two random seeds used (e.g., data/pnet_original/0_0).

utils.R is required by all data preparation scripts.

Original setup

Run P-NET with the original setup as described in the publication.

Rscript scripts/load_data_original.R
scripts/ -e pnet_original

Deterministic inputs

Input data is modified so that presence of mutation and copy number amplification is perfectly correlated with class label 1 (copy number deletion is always 0).

Rscript scripts/load_data_original.R
Rscript scripts/modify_data_deterministic.R
scripts/ -e pnet_deterministic

Shuffled labels

Shuffle training/test labels before each run using uniform class frequencies.

for seed in {-1..49}; do
  Rscript scripts/load_data_original.R
  Rscript scripts/modify_data_shuffled.R FALSE $seed
  scripts/ -e pnet_shuffled_each -l $seed -u $seed

MSK-IMPACT 2017 dataset

Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"
scripts/ -e mskimpact_nsclc_original

for seed in {-1..49}; do
  Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"
  Rscript scripts/modify_data_shuffled.R FALSE $seed
  scripts/ -e mskimpact_nsclc_shuffled -l $seed -u $seed

Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Breast Cancer"
scripts/ -e mskimpact_bc_original

for seed in {-1..49}; do
  Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Breast Cancer"
  Rscript scripts/modify_data_shuffled.R FALSE $seed
  scripts/ -e mskimpact_bc_shuffled -l $seed -u $seed

Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Colorectal Cancer"
scripts/ -e mskimpact_cc_original

for seed in {-1..49}; do
  Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Colorectal Cancer"
  Rscript scripts/modify_data_shuffled.R FALSE $seed
  scripts/ -e mskimpact_cc_shuffled -l $seed -u $seed

Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Prostate Cancer"
scripts/ -e mskimpact_pc_original

for seed in {-1..49}; do
  Rscript scripts/load_data_mskimpact.R "Prostate Cancer"
  Rscript scripts/modify_data_shuffled.R FALSE $seed
  scripts/ -e mskimpact_pc_shuffled -l $seed -u $seed

Run DTox experiments

Run DTox with seeds ranging from 0 (i.e., the original seed) to 50.


Results from each run are saved in a subfolder indicating the random seed used (e.g., data/dtox/0).

Analyze results

plot_figures.R generates all figures shown in the publication, using files in data (described below):

Rscript scripts/plot_figures.R

styling.R is required by this script.


After each run, the following files are copied from the P-NET output folders:

  • analysis/extracted/node_importance_graph_adjusted.csv (renamed to node_importance.csv): contains node importance scores, with the following columns:
    • (first, unnamed): node name
    • coef: original node importance scores
    • coef_graph: indegree plus outdegree of node
    • coef_combined: adjusted node importance score (= coef / coef_graph if coef_graph > mean(coef_graph) + 5 sd(coef_graph) in the respective layer)
    • coef_combined_zscore: scaled coef_combined
    • coef_combined2: z(z(coef_graph) - z(coef))
    • layer: layer of the node
  • _logs/p1000/pnet/onsplit_average_reg_10_tanh_large_testing/P-net_ALL_testing.csv (renamed to predictions_test.csv): predictions for the test set, with the following columns:
    • (first, unnamed): sample name
    • pred: predicted class (unfortunately, encoded by a double 1.0 or 0.0)
    • pred_scores: probability of the predicted class
    • y: true class (encoded as integer 1 or 0)
  • _logs/p1000/pnet/onsplit_average_reg_10_tanh_large_testing/P-net_ALL_training.csv (renamed to predictions_train.csv): predictions for the training set (same columns as above)


The following files generated by DTox are required for subsequent analyses:

  • module_relevance.tsv: contains node importance scores, with the following columns:
    • (first, unnamed): compound identifier
    • remaining columns: node identifiers (UniProt and Reactome IDs)
  • test_labels.csv: predictions for the test set, with two columns:
    • truth: true label (0 or 1)
    • predicted: predicted label (decimal number between 0 and 1)

Appendix: How to build Docker images


The folder docker/pnet contains everything needed for building a Docker image with P-NET installed:

  • Dockerfile: instructions for assembling the image
  • script for running P-NET; used as entrypoint in the container
  • environment_pnet.yml: conda environment specification
  • patch_seeds.diff: patch that allows to change the random seed for P-NET
  • executed during image assembly; installs P-NET (with input data) and conda

Build and deploy this image via

docker build --tag .
docker push


The folder docker/dtox contains everything needed for building a Docker image with DTox installed:

  • Dockerfile: instructions for assembling the image
  • entrypoint in the container; activates conda environment
  • environment_dtox.yml: conda environment specification
  • patch_seeds.diff: patch that allows to change the random seed for DTox and saves predicted labels for the test set
  • executes the DTox workflow as described in the tutorial available in the DTox GitHub repository
  • executed during image assembly; installs DTox and conda

Build and deploy this image via

docker build --tag .
docker push


The folder docker/r contains the Dockerfile needed for building a Docker image with R and required packages installed.

Build and deploy this image via

cp ../../renv.lock .
docker build --tag .
docker push

Appendix: Description of files required by P-NET

  • genes/: only the genes present in both of the following two files will be analyzed: (a) tcga_prostate_expressed_genes_and_cancer_genes.csv (b) HUGO_genes/protein-coding_gene_with_coordinate_minimal.txt (TSV, no column names; meaning of columns: chromosome, start, end, gene name)
  • pathways/:
    • pathways_short_names.xlsx: short pathway names for figure labels
    • Reactome/ReactomePathways.gmt: genes associated with Reactome pathways; TSV, no column names, variable number of columns: (1) pathway name (2) reactome id (3) type (unused) (4ff) associated genes
    • Reactome/ReactomePathways.txt: TSV mapping Reactome ids to names; loaded by P-NET but apparently not used (?)
    • Reactome/ReactomePathwaysRelation.txt: TSV specifying the Reactome pathway hierarchy as edge list; columns indicate parent and child; only human pathways are used (i.e., the child id has to start with "HSA")
  • prostate/
    • processed/
      • P1000_final_analysis_set_cross_important_only.csv: mutation data; first column contains sample name, remaining columns represent genes, cells indicate number of mutations; data is preprocessed to a binary matrix, indicating presence/absence of at least one mutation (i.e., 1 if original >= 1)
      • P1000_data_CNA_paper.csv: CNV data; first column (unnamed) contains sample name, remaining columns represent genes, cells indicate copy number status; data is preprocessed to two binary matrices: one indicates presence of copy number amplification (1 if original > 1.5), the other indicates presence of CN deletion (1 if original < -1.5)
      • response_paper.csv: input labels, two columns: (1) id – sample name (2) response – sample label (1 = metastatic tumor)
    • splits/: splits of input data; all files have three columns: (1) [unnamed] – running number starting at zero (2) id – sample name (3) response – sample label (column is NOT used by P-NET!)
      • test_set.csv: samples in the test set
      • training_set_0.csv: samples in the training set
      • validation_set.csv: samples in the validation set