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A personal exploration of machine learning algorithms.

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Mini-projects in Machine Learning

The purpose of this project is to deepen my Machine Learning knowledge, and while implementing various ML algorithms, I learn coding in Go. It is more fun than just calling a scikit-learn function in Python.


Am I a horse - Pytorch CNN

This mini-project makes a convolutional neural network using Pytorch for binary classification whether the input image is a horse or a human. The training and validation datasets used are available here: We can even test the trained neural network to classify your photo and check whether you're rather a horse or human. I don't have access to CUDA enabled GPUs, hence the hyperparameters couldn't be fine-tuned to best classifying performance.

Hopfield Network

Hopfield network is a kind of recurrent neural network that provides a model for understanding human memory. This network can be used for memory completion in order to restore missing parts of an image. The network is trained on a small set of data. The network defines an energy landscape where each datapoint forms a local minimum.

K-Means Unsupervised Classifier

This algorithm finds clusters in the input data, thus grouping together data points by similarity. As a use case, we show how it's used to segment an image. Alternatively we can think of this algorithm which maps each datapoint to a lower dimensional representation just a label for each point.

Original image Segmented image

in 10 colours

Inferring Bernoulli Distribution

We keep tossing a biased coin and want to model our belief how much the coin is biased towards head. In the frequentist model the answer is the number heads divided by all tosses. We implemented the Bayesian model where given a prior belief we update the belief after each coin toss. In the below example we started with the loose belief the coin is fair and ended with the strong belief that the coin lands on head 20 percent of the time.

Bayesian Linear Regression

In this regression problem we try to find the parameters and that generated the line . The below image shows how the belief is updated when we started to see more and more datapoints.


Before delving deeper into ML algorithm it is worthwile to talk about kernels. Kernels are wonderful inventions. They form an essential part in many algorithms. A kernel describes how an unlabelled data point x influences any other data point x+delta. Kernels have the ability to transform the data space into a new space where the ML task is easier to solve (e.g. by changing the decision boundary). We present three common kernels: radial basis function kernel, linear kernel and periodic kernel.

Gaussian Processes

Gaussian processes are very useful to conceptualise belief in a non-parametric way. In this example we use the radial basis function (RBF) kernel.

We generated test data which is a sine curve with some noise. Samples from the fitted Gaussian Process are revealing the structure of generating curve.

Again we can visualise the distribution where we believe the function runs.

Principal Component Analysis

PCA is an unsupervised learning algorithm. As such, we would like to infer X and f from the equation Y=f(x). We could just say f is the identity, while Y=X. Rather, we reduce the dimensionality in order to arrive at a meaningful representation. We assume that the mapping is linear. As a presentation on how PCA works we embedded a spiral in a 10 dimensional space and applied PCA to reduce the dimensions down to 2. This resulted in the following density plot.


In the following algorithms it might not be the case necessarily that we can integrate out all the random variables, ie. the integral is intractable. In these cases we usually optimize. There is a zoo of optimizer algorithms most are based on the principle of gradient descent. In the Go language there is an elegant way of defining an optimiser. We used "function closure". To test the algorithm we choose a 2D function. We chose a Rosenbrock style function. Under this function it is notoriously difficult to find the global minimum (this is the only local minimum). The minimum is at (1,1) in our chosen function. The animation below shows different optimisers trying to reach the minimum. The gradient descent with backtracking line search has two unfair advantages because it uses not only the gradient but the function itself too, and it has an inner loop where it chooses an optimal step size.

Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model

This machine learning algorithm is the PCA on steroids. In contrast to PCA we use a GP prior. It can be thought of as a generalisation of PCA, using a linear kernel reduces GPLVM to PCA. We implemented GPLVM with RBF kernel. In a nutshell, we compute the marginal likelihood P(Y|X) and optimise it with respect to X. In the optimisation, we find the minimum of -log(P(Y|X)). We use the Adam optimiser implemented in the Optimisers section. To test the algorithm we generate a spiral and embed it in the 10d space in the same way we did with PCA. The resulting respective plots of the inferred spiral can be seen below.

Bayesian Optimisation

As in regular gradient descent based optimisation our task is to find argmin(F(X)) where F is the objective function. This time we think of F as a black-box function, that is very difficult to compute, therefore we want to call it limited number of times. We need two ingredients for Bayesian optimisation: a surrogate model and an acquisition function. The surrogate model evaluates our belief about the function given the already queried points. We use a Gaussian process for this task. The acquisition function can be thought of as a strategy function which takes the current belief and returns the next location for querry. A good acquisition function balances well between exploration and exploitation. We chose expected improvement to be the acquisition function.


Stochastic approaches can tackle the problems of intractable integrals. We can approximate distributions by sampling from them. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods were invented as part of the Manhattan project. Gibbs sampling is one of the most straight-forward type of MCMC. In addition we implemented the Iterative Conditional Modes (ICM). We present these methods for the task of image denoising. In the image denoising we use a binary image corrupted with noise. The prior we using is the Ising Model in which we assume that the value of any pixel is affected by its immidiate neighbours. The likelihood is defined by how close any pixel is to the value -1 or 1. In ICM we compare the joint probability p(X_j=1, X_{every index but j}, Y) and p(X_j=-1, X_{every index but j}, Y). If the former is the greater the pixel value is set to 1 otherwise to -1. In Gibbs Sampling we compute the posterior (p=p(X_j=1, X_{every index but j}| Y)) and set a pixel value to 1 if p>t where t~Uniform(). In both methods we iterate through all the pixels in some predefined amount of time or until convergence.

The currupted image
ICM iterations in the Ising Model Gibbs Sampling iterations in the Ising Model
Steps of image restoration

Variational Inference

There are deterministic ways to approximate an intractable integral. The core idea is to approximate Jensen's inequality on the log function but the mathematical derivation is quite advanced but rather beautiful. In contrast, when applied to the Ising model the denoising algorithm is very simple and reaches excellent results.

Variational Bayes iterations in the Ising Model


A personal exploration of machine learning algorithms.







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