It compiles but no result return, unfortunately we could run it with absolute path to the arguments.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="Compiler" -Dexec.args="absolute address\arg1 arg2"
the following command for runtime but also no result return
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="Compiler" -Dexec.classpathScope=runtime
var variable name
classname custom object
functionname is a name of a function
Str is string
Boolean ::= true | false
boolean_value ::= `true` | `false`
i is an integer
s is a String
b is Boolean
Int Integers
type ::= Int | Boolean | Str | type[ ]
exp is an expression
vardec ::= type var variable declaration
Op::= +| - | * | / | > | < | = | == | >= | <= arithmetic, assignment & comparison operators
exp ::= exp Op exp | exp.functionname(exp*) method call
exp ::= i | s| b | var
|this | Refers to my instance
|super refers to superclass (parent) objects
| new classname(exp*) new instance of a class
| (type)exp Casts an expression as a type
| new type [exp] | exp[exp] | exp[exp] = exp Variables, strings, arrays and integers
statement ::= type var ‘=’ exp ‘;’| variable assignment
while (exp) statement | while loops
{ statement * } | block
break; | break
if (exp) statement else statement | if/else conditional
return exp; | return an expression
print(exp) | Prints something to the terminal
methoddef ::= type methodname (vardec*) statement | zero or more parameter
extension ::= epsilon | `extends` classname
classdef ::= `class` classname extension {
methoddef * | method zero or more
classname(vardec*){ statement* } refers to more than one,
use comma to separate different variable
program ::= classdef * exp | program