Collection of remote authentication triggers coded in C# using MIDL compiler for avoiding 3rd party dependencies.
For easy converting MIDL output to C# byte array.
One liner to get function call and call ID (cat ms-rprn_c.c | sls '/* Procedure .* ' -Context 0,10) | foreach-object {$_.matches.value.replace(' Procedure ','') + " " + ($_.Context.PostContext | sls '^\/\*')[0].Line.Split()[1]}
C# Implementation of MS-EFS RPC
C# Implementation of MS-RPRN RPC
C# Implementation of DCOM Potato triggers
- PetitPotam by topotam
- SpoolSample by Lee Christensen
- EfsPotato by zcgonvh
- pingcastle by vletoux
- All the potato devs
- tiraniddo